Act Two

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She slowly lifted her face from my chest, she had stopped crying and now was silent and still. I imagined her looking at me, I wish I could see the expression on her face but all I could see was nothing.

I didn't know what to say, I had said what I had wanted to say but now I wasn't so sure if I should have said it. There was an awkward silence while I waited for her response to my words.

She suddenly started to get up and stood over me, I could hear her sigh and say nothing. She started turning her head looking around and finally began to talk.

"Um...Davon...I..." she trailed off, she began sniffling as I heard her wipe a tear from her face. She exhaled and started again.
"Davon I-" she was suddenly interrupted by a distant voice.

"Jaleane! Kelly needs your help!" I felt my chest fill with rage and my face heat up. The voice belonged to moneybags. He was running towards our direction, as he got closer the urge to punch him was getting bigger.

He finally stopped in front of Jaleane and explained in further detail about the task she had to do. She then finally walked the direction he had come from and left me alone with moneybags.

We didn't say anything to each other, he silently stood where he was while I sat on the beach. He finally sat down next to me making me tense up.

"Well since we haven't really talked before let me introduce myself, Jake Kedrolf." I heard him move his hand towards my direction, I didn't even try to shake it. After a while, he put his hand away and put it into his pocket.

"Not the friendly type huh...I figured much." I stayed silent not flinching at a word he said, I could hear him shifting around then taping his fingers on the metal bench. I finally sighed and talked in a low voice.
"What do you want?" Moneybags stopped tapping.
"What...Did you say something?" I felt myself starting to get annoyed. This time said it in full volume.

"What do you want?" He fell silent and started scooting closer to me until I could feel his breath on my face. He turned to look at me and leaned close to my ear.
"You, stay on your side of the game and I'll stay on mine. I'll play fair if you play fair, but remember I always get what I want no matter what."
He scooted away from me and started to get up. I firmly grabbed hold of his wrist and stopped him from taking another step.

"I don't want to join your game, you can play by yourself if you want but I'm not your puppet." He turned around and grabbed my wrist that was holding his wrist. I felt him squeeze my wrist as he tried to take my hand off.

I held on tighter

He suddenly pulled hard and threw my hand off his wrist. His breathing quickened and his heart started to pump harder. He leaned in close to my face and stared at me. I could hear his teeth rubbing against each other as he bit them tighter.

Suddenly his fist hit the bench making the sound of the metal ring all around us. He took a couple of sharp angry breaths and finally let his thoughts out.

" You!... You don't know who you're messing with, try to bend the rules of the game and you'll be asking for it."
He pulled away from my face and started walking back the direction he came from, then he stopped in his tracks and turned his head around.

"Oh, and one more thing, round one goes to you."

I could hear his lips separate into a smile,  he laughed a little then turned back around. He continued to walk down the stone sidewalk, I listened to his footsteps as they got more faint until there was only silence.

After that day I knew that if I let Jaleane end up with that psycho her life would become a living hell. I didn't care if she didn't like me, or if she even wanted to continue a relationship of any kind. All I cared about was her not ending up with a psychopath that would potentially ruin her life.

I had found a new mission and purpose in my life and I knew if I didn't fulfil it no one would. Even if it wasn't me  I thought to myself, please let it be anyone else other than moneybags.

In the months that followed after that day, Jaleane became more distant. She had never given me a straight answer to my confession and I was starting to get impatient. Moneybags, on the other hand, was taking his opportunity and was getting closer to Jaleane.

Both of them were always together, they studied together, hung out, just sat and talked. I was actually happy I couldn't see them together, to be honest. I wasn't sure on what to do at that point. Moneybags was getting the easy points and I was failing on my own promise.

So, I decided to strike with my best chance and basically the only great skill I had. Looking back now I still don't know if what I did made things better or worse. All I did know at the time was, that skill was my only shot at ending up with Jaleane.

At that time I was willing to do anything...Anything! No matter how stupid it ended up to be. So now I present the final hurrah of The Conquest for Jaleane.

Act Three of the conquest.

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