Act Three: Last Act

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So here it is the last stance, the final battle that would determine my future relationship with the one girl I cared about. The last chance I would get to finally hear her answer to my confession. So, for the second time in my fight for this girl, I sat in my room and wrote a song for Jaleane.

This time though, the song would be different from anything I had ever written. This song was far from a confession of my love. Instead, I wrote about something I usually never told anyone.

How I see the world.

It was called "Through Foggy Glass", I could say that I thought about the title forever and I scratched ideas day and night, but that is honestly how I saw things in my mind. I could only see Jaleane through foggy glass, an image I had painted in my head. I had never touched her face so I didn't have a clear visual image of her. All I could do was imagine her face, I hoped That this time I would finally see it clearly.

I spent two weeks writing and playing the song, trying to piece and stitch it together. I erased what felt like a million music notes and lyrics just to finally get the finished product.

I had set the date when I was going to sing the song to her. Lucky for me the annual talent expo was coming up so it wasn't that hard to figure out when.
I knew that she was going to be there with Moneybags, so I hoped that she would hear me out and give me an actual response.

As the days towards the talent expo got closer my heart beat faster, I felt excited and scared at the same time. I kept thinking, "What if she doesn't accept me? What if she run's again? What if it turns out alright?"

Finally after weeks of "what if" questions and nerves the day came. It was actually a pretty nice day that day, it was a nice good spring temperature with a soft warm breeze blowing in the air.

People were in the plaza setting up the stage for later tonight walking back and forth with stage equipment. I sat on a nearby bench and half listened to the workers and the song I wrote. I softly sang the lyrics that took me forever to write and felt myself drifting to another place.

I could smell a sweet scent in the air,
It was a mixture of different types of flowers and a perfume that smelled very similar to me. I could gradually smell the perfume getting stronger as the source got closer to me. I then suddenly heard a shriek and my name, the sound of heals quickly running together got closer to the arms of my mom wrapped around me in a tight hug.

"Oh, my baby! You have grown so much! How have you been?" She sounded excited and jittery.
"Oh, you know the same I was when I called you yesterday. Nothing really different." She hugged me again and looked at me.
"Well...when do I get to meet her?" I sighed and began to feel my cheeks go warm out of embarrassment.
"Mom...she's not my girlfriend..." I heard her lips form a smile,
"Not yet my son...Not...yet." She patted me on the back and began to head towards the administration office.

I sighed again and got up to head towards my dorm room. I placed my walking stick in front of me and felt my way past the workers and random students trying not to trip anyone.

I failed.

I heard for the second time in my life a loud thud and a grunt. The person didn't move for a couple seconds then they began to get up on their feet. I could feel them staring at me first looking at my walking stick then at my face.

The person mumbled something like a sorry and continued to walk not turning around to look at me. I listened as I centred my hearing on their footsteps until they faded in with the other sounds.

I shrugged it off and continued to walk towards my dorm room, I honestly shouldn't have. If I could I would have probably run after the person I had just tripped, but that part isn't relevant to the story yet.

Through Foggy GlassWhere stories live. Discover now