Let the Games Begin

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Well, that's not his real name, the D.B Moneybags part anyway. What is true though is that he was loaded, like five new cars a week loaded.

I never got to know him that well, all I remember about him really is that people said he was extremely good looking, smart, and was a pretty nice guy. I still think he paid people to say that last part.

It took a while for me to figure out he was into her, it actually took a bit of accidentally heard gossip and a conversation in French to figure it out.

It had already been three months into the school year, I hadn't talked to Jaleane once and I was convinced she didn't even know of a Davon Walek.

My mom believed that I would never have the guts to talk to her even if she was sitting right in front of me. I told her the case was that we didn't have any classes together and I didn't know where she went after school.

Then she told me to go find out for myself. I told her she was crazy and that would be stalking, not that I could really do that. This literally went on for a week, then finally my opportunity came.

I was at the University Library doing research for a class project, and looking for a good book to read in brail. There weren't many books at that school in brail but there was a shelf section in the very back with a limited diverse selection.

Most of the books weren't that good, they were mostly dictionaries and encyclopedias with one or two biographies. Once in a while, I would find something interesting, but nothing compared to what I found that day. I felt the spines of the books reading every title. I suddenly read a spine that made me stop walking.

It was called 'Crossing Dark' I slowly wrapped my hand at the front and back cover of the book and took it off the shelf. Opening to the first page I read a quick summary of the book, it was apparently about a guy who was born blind. He was told that he would never see and that his world would be black.

They turned out to be wrong, he could see. He talked about how he could always see, not the same way as regular people but different. His world was beautiful, many people didn't know how but it was that way.

Sounds, Smells, and Emotions painted the picture for him instead of his eyes. He had never seen the world but he could see it, to him it was all he needed to see.

I closed the book and held on to it as I made my way to the computer I was using. My walking stick clicked as I tried to avoid people and the tall bookcases Suddenly felt my stick flick out of my hand and a loud grunt as someone fell.

My stick fell making a clattering sound. I could hear the swoosh of five heads turn around, they stared at me and the person lying on the floor. I knelt down and tried to feel around for my stick, trying to avoid tripping anyone else.
"Ouch! Who left a metal rod lying around?" I froze, I recognized that voice. I immediately felt my face heat up. "Is this how embarrassment felt like?" That's what I thought while I could hear Jaleane slowly look towards my direction.

"Oh...I'm sorry I should have watched where I was going." I heard sympathy in her voice, the same sympathy I hear when people find out I'm blind. I could hear her pick up my walking stick and shuffle to her feet. Picking up my book from the floor I carefully stood up and tried my best to "look" at Jaleane.

"Here, I think you dropped this." She took my hand and gave me my stick.
"Thank you...I'm sorry for tripping you." She laughed, I felt my heart skip a beat.
"It's not your fault, I wasn't looking at where I was going, so don't feel bad ok?" I nodded

We stood there for a couple awkward moments until she broke the silence.
"Well...um I guess I'll see you around."
I laughed,
"I don't think I'll be doing that anytime soon."

I could feel her go silent and begin to walk away. I knew If I let her go now there was no way I would get a chance like this again. I had to do it, for the sake of my mom saying I'll be single the rest of my life.

"Wait..." I heard Jaleane's footsteps stop, she slowly turned around and faced me.
"Yes?" I gathered all the courage I had left, and finally, after three months, I said the words of initiation for battle.
"Do you know a lot about Cosmic Theory?"

After I said those words a whole new turn happened in the story, the theory my mom had created about me had been proven wrong which she was totally ok with.

Who knew words were so powerful, But then who knew tripping my crush, and Cosmic Theory would give me the opportunity that would probably never happen in the next four years of college.

And with these words begins probably the hardest battle for a girl I have ever fought and probably will ever fight. Ladies and Gentlemen I present to you Act one of, "The Conquest for Jaleane".

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