Part 1.2

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Continuation of the last chapter

Sam and Dean knocked on the door but heard nothing. They knocked again, and this time, they heard shuffling and low voices. They were about to knock a third time when the door swung open, and they saw an irritated-looking Cadie standing before them. She wiped her mouth on the back of her hand and then crossed her arms. "What do you want?"

Dean smirked. "Are we interrupting something?" he asked, noting her tangled hair and shirt falling off her shoulder.

"This better be important," she growled.

"It is. There-" he stopped talking when a blonde woman walked up next to Cadie, scanning the boys.

The blonde cleared her throat. "Well this seems important so I'm just gonna go." She leaned in and kissed the brunette before walking out the door.

"Wait-" Cadie called, but she was already gone. She balled her fists and glared at the boys. "I didn't get a turn," she mumbled.

"What?" asked Sam, shifting his weight uncomfortably.


"Okay, well the spirits attacked someone else," said Dean. "Where's your sister?"

"She went to burn the remains," she said

"Yeah well you two missed something cause they're still out there," said Dean, sounding irritated.

"How'd you find me anyway?" she asked, crossing her arms.

Sam shrugged. "We've got our ways."

Dean cleared his throat. "Right, well we gotta move now so call your sister and let's go."

"Lemme get dressed first," said Cadie, closing the door before they could say anything else.

Cadie exited the room nearly 20 minutes later, looking much less irritated than she had before.

"What the hell took you so long?" asked Dean. 

She smirked. "Powdering my nose."

He rolled his eyes. "C'mon then."

She stepped out, locking the door behind her and followed the boys to their car. The brothers opened the car doors, stepped in, and closed them in near perfect synchronization. Cadie rolled her eyes before stepping in as well. As Dean backed the car out, she dialed Liza's number. She picked up after two rings.

"Hey, dude."

"Hey, did you burn the bones yet?"

"Yep. About an hour ago."

"You got all three of the guys, right?"


"Well, we missed something. Somebody just got attacked again."

Liza audibly sighed. "Oof. Okay. I'll come get you."

"No need. The Winchesters found me and were driving there now."


"I dunno. We'll figure that out later, but uh..." Cadie lowered her voice, "are you sure you should come?"

"Why wouldn't I?"

"Cause... I don't..." she looked up and saw That Sam had turned around to look at her, clearly not caring if she knew he was listening. She sighed. "Never mind. Just head over and we'll meet you."

"Kay." And with that, they both hung up. Cadie began bouncing her leg up and down, though it did nothing to quell the unease that had taken up residence in her stomach.

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