Flashback #3

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A/N: Huhuhu, sorry po at inabot ng deadline. Puro meetings lang po sa werk, werk, werk.

Time for another flashback. Only two more to go.

Maraming salamat po sa mga encouraging feedback about writing the new story to keep the creative juices flowing.

At pagpagsensiyahan n'yo na rin si otor.  My fault. Nag-ambisyon ng book 2, natorete nang beri slight ang utak with some details hehehe. Pero committed po tayo to finish this story, as always.

So the verdict: The new story will come out some time this week, just as soon as the cover is done. Alternate po updates.


Quezon Memorial Circle

Richard offered to take her home that night. Or close to midnight is more like it.

They waited until the dancing fountain show went dim and returned to being just another fountain. They stayed the lights from the establishments went off signaling the end of another day.

But for them, tonight is a new beginning.

The road ahead may not be smooth, nope, not meant to be that way ever since they laid eyes on each other. However they know they will survive any challenge just as they survived their first 24 hours together.

Wait... rewind, rewind...

Not so fast.

Maine and Richard were usually quiet. There are other thoughts going through their respective minds as they made their way back to the parking lot of the park.

Maine is debating whether to tell Richard about the update on his NLRC termination case. And this without him having to file an appeal at ...... drum roll please.... Court of Appeal.

Or should she wait for him to find out his own? Of course he'll get to the 4W and 1H and her name will surely come up.

It's not as if she won the case for him. She just had the decision finalizing the termination case nullified based on a technicality. The same loophole she found the first time around, in favor of his former employer.

It's like giving him a fresh start, putting things back to square one. She just felt that she had to right the wrong done to him and somehow make up for the role she played in it. With the report he has in his hands, he now has a fighting chance if he wants to pursue the illegal termination case and she'll be there to help him. He will definitely not be reinstated but at least get the benefits due him.

How can she be of help? Well, unless he finds a job in the next month or so, he'll be qualified to seek the assistance of a PAO lawyer.

Will he get mad that he meddled in his case after he told in her in no uncertain terms not to do so?

Maine glanced at him while they we're walking and realized that he'd been silent too and seems to be deep in thought.


Richard on the other hand is trying to find the courage and opportunity to tell Maine where he had been that afternoon after his checkup.

One of the main reasons why he finally tried to force himself to get out of the house. He paid his godfather a visit in his office at the NBI headquarters. Now the Director of Intelligence, Ninong Jose Nanalo or Director Joe as he was fondly called by his men, is officially extending the invitation for him to join NBI. With the way he was able to figure out that 'toxic waste case, which now started a full investigation by the agency, Richard was promised that he will be a shoo-in.

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