I nod, already feeling a tear labour past my eyes as I recall how my mum doesn't want me being with Harry. "Okay." I say, my voice cracking. "I love you."

He nods. "I love you."

I watch as he releases himself from me, looking me up and down, as a smile suddenly tugs at his lips. "You look so hot." he mutters under his breath. "In my clothes."

I bite my lip, trying hard not to smile. "God, I am really going to miss you." I say, giving him yet another hug.

But mine and Harry's heads whip up as we ear shuffling by the door. Harry's eyebrows thin a bit as he holds me tighter. "H-hello?"

"Harry, you said your parents were at work." I state, my head in jumbles.

He nods his head, looking back at the clock, than at me. "They are." I huff, pushing my face to his chest. He runs his fingers through my hair. "Don't worry about it, Lou. I'm sure it's nothing. Just paranoia."

I nod, ridding myself from his embrace and sighing. "I guess this is goodbye for today?"

He nods. "Yeah. It's a goodbye." he gently takes my chin into his hands. "But, hey. Don't be sad, alright? I'm still alive. I'm still here. And I still love you. And that won't change."

I feel myself smile once more, as I stand on my tiptoes, struggling to peck his lips. He bends down slightly, shoving his lips against mine. "I'll text you and call me when you get home. Drive safe."

I nod, digging through my bloodstained jeans, grabbing my phone and my mum's keys and card from the pockets and stuffing them into Harry's skinnies. "I'll see you later." I squeak, giving Harry one last peck on the cheek.

He nods, watching as I leave out of his bedroom door. "See you." he whispers.

I smile, gently closing his wooden entryway and leaving from the threshold. As I ascent down his stairs, I hear more shuffling by Harry's door. But I simply disregard it, hoping it's only Harry in his bedroom.

I sigh, opening his front door and leaving from his home. I waddle a bit, as my bum is still proceeding to hurt and is a bit sore. But I climb into my mum's car, pushing the key into the ignition, starting it up and backing out from the driveway.


I lie myself down against my flaccid bed and sigh at no Louis by my side. Louis, someone I could bear and embrace and kiss and hug whenever I felt like it. Louis, someone I could just sit back and admire, someone I could stare at without them knowing.

And even though he's not with me at this second, I am still so happy to have him. So, so happy.

Suddenly there's a humble knock on my half open door, causing me to jump, in hopes it's Louis not wanting to go home. But as the small frame peeps through my door, I notice it's just Gemma.

I smile, sitting up a bit to look at her. She takes her time as she walks in, settling herself on my bed next to me. "H-hi, Harry." she breathes out.

I continue to grimace at my sister I haven't spoken to in so long, and place a hand to her back, for her to only pull away. I narrow my eyebrows. "What's wrong, Gemma?"

She slowly and carefully looks up at me, her eyes full of disappointment and obligation. "How could you, Harry?"

I shake my head and open my mouth for a bit, until words actually come out. "I-I don't know what you're talking about. You aren't making sense."

She looks down at her twiddling thumbs. "You were supposed to be my role model and you've failed me. I looked up to you, Harry."

I sit up a bit more, looking at her, puzzlement screening my face. "Gem, could you try to make a bit more sense, please?"

just because he's different :: l.s.Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora