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"So, Hana died giving birth?"

"Hai, Hajime-sama. Hanabi is in perfect health, but Hana lost too much blood."

The snobby, upper class main branch male snorted, "I see. So be it, she was weak, and the weak don't belong in the Hyuuga."

"B-But sir, she was your wife..." The side branch male murmured pitifully.

Hajime scoffed loudly, "As if I would consider such a weak creature my wife, she was just a mere child bearer. I would've become clan head if it weren't for that damned Hiashi writing Hizashi into it before sacrificing his life for that little demon." He paused with a disgusted scowl, "What of the monster?"

The servant gulped, "The Kyuubi took control of her and she nearly destroyed the medical ward."

Hajime made a disgusted noise, "If I were clan head I would've thrown that damn demon out onto the streets already. Hizashi is too compassionate to the monster."

Unknown to both of them, Hinata was standing behind her step-father, Hajime, her face fell as she heard another onslaught of insults come from his mouth.




"A waste of human flesh"

"Such a vile creature"

She'd heard all of these comments millions of times before.

Even so, it still hurt.

Now with her Okaa-san gone, Hinata had no one. Sure, Hizashi-oji-sama was kind enough, but he was never around.

Hanabi was too young to play with, Neji was corrupted by the elders so he hated her, and she was never aloud out of the compound so she never met any of the other kids.

So as of now, Hinata was completely alone.

-Line Break-

"She wouldn't hurt a fly! How dare you say such accusations, Elder Ēma!"

Said elder placed her elbows on the table and laced her fingers in front of her mouth, "But what about her losing control in the medic ward, Hizashi?"

The clan head grit his teeth and glared harshly at Ēma, "You damn well know she was overcome with distraught and sadness! Her mother died! In front of her!"

Ēma's eyes narrowed, "She's lucky we kept her secret. If word got out that she killed one of the doctors, then the entire village would be after her. We don't know when she'll lose control again, we can't have that happen around Hanabi."

Hizashi tried to maintain his composure, but he knew he was losing, "She's only a child. It's not her fault Nii-sama made her the vessel, she never chose this! Hina-"

"That demon is to be exiled from the Hyuuga, she's beyond lucky the caged bird seal would weaken the Kyuubi's seal and henceforth not having to be branded. The Hyuuga have done enough for the little monster." Another elder said, cutting off Hizashi, "If it weren't for Hiashi, you and Neji would still be branded. I would watch my tongue, Hizashi."

"But where will she go? She has no money and no where to go, she's only five!" Hizashi was trying like hell to have her stay, to not be exiled and maybe even killed by villagers.

"The Yondaime is gracious enough to allow her to have an apartment towards the center of the village. All necessary items will be paid for by the Hokage himself until she's a genin and can earn income." Ēma cut in once more, her translucent eyes held a mocking look that pissed Hizashi off to no end, "The vote is unanimous, save for Hizashi. Hinata is to be exiled from this clan immediately, she will have little to no contact with the Hyuuga unless assigned on missions with Neji or another. There is no room to argue and she will be moved out by dawn."

Hizashi's face fell, I failed, Nii-sama, how will I protect her now...?

-Line Break-

"Ehhhh?! Why me?! You know I hate kids Minato!"

"No, my word is final Anko, you're to train her and be her female role model."

The violet haired woman crossed her arms and scowled at the blonde Hokage, "Why not Kurenai? She has more maternal instincts than I do..."

Minato sighed, "She's busy with her new genin team, this years batch is, as Shikaku would say, troublesome."

The Mitarashi sighed dramatically, "Fine, I'll do it, but I'm going to complain the whole time."

Minato smiled, a small dimple appeared on his left cheek, "Perfect, you can find her apartment here," He said as he handed her a folder.

-Line Break-

What the fuck?! Was the first thought Anko had as she saw Hinata's apartment.

The walls were covered in graffiti, the windows were broken and death threats were written along the walls, The people of this village have taken this too far!

Anko took a breath and knocked on the door in front of her, the door opened slightly to reveal a small, frail girl, "Ah, you must be Hinata! I'm Anko Mitarashi, your new Sensei!"

The little girl had whiskered checks and indigo hair that was cropped into a pixie cut with bangs straight across her forehead, she wore a simple white T-shirt with a large orange swirl in the center and a pair of gray cargo shorts.

Hinata's eyes widened as she took in Anko's appearance, the woman was fairly tall who was of slender frame. She had light brown, pupil-less eyes. Her hair - black with a violet tint, was styled in a short, spiky, fanned-ponytail. She wore a fitted mesh body suit that covers her from her neck down to her thighs and over this, she adorned a tan overcoat with a purple in-seam and a pocket on each side, a dark orange mini-skirt, a dark blue belt, and pale grey shin guards. In addition to the typical forehead protector, she also had a small pendant that seemed to be like a snake fang around her neck and a wristwatch.

"Nice to meet you, Anko-san..."

The addressed woman gave her a crazed smile, "That's Sensei, to you! Now, let's get started shall we?"


A/N: I really like Anko, I wish we could've seen more of her in the original. The next chapter will be a time skip to where Hinata is seven, but I'll have flashbacks of her training with Anko.

Also! I know she was born in December, I forgot to take that into account in the last chapter, so I'm sorry!!!

Next chapter preview:

"Alright, Hina-chan!" Anko shouted with an excited grin, "What's our number one rule?!"

Hinata smiled brightly, "Never kiss ass!"

Anko grinned and raised her hand and formed a fist, "Hell yeah!"

Hinata replied by bumping her own fist with Anko's.

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