"Bad with a sword like usual. No wonder the guns were always out of bullets." I spit and he snarls then lunges again. He gets a good punch in but I hold my ground getting my own in.

"Someone's all talk and no bite." I say flipping over his shoulders and landing on his back. He growls and runs hard and fast backwards. 3 2... I flip back over him so my hands are on his shoulders and we are chest to chest as he hits the wall. He groans and I shove him back hard his head connecting this time. He slaps me across the face and I fly backwards landing on my right side. I climb to my feet and hold my hand out calling my knife to me. It lands in my hand still invisible and I lunge at him. I change the knife from invisible back to normal and he catches it in a split second. It flies from my hands and drop to my knees sliding between his legs before he can get another blow to me.

He spins around and I slide my foot under him hard watching him crash to the ground. I instantly jump on top of him straddling his waist and start punching, he blocks some but most blows I land easily. I call my knife to me and hold it above my head ready to plunge it into his chest.

"Raven wait! Please it's me!" I look down and see the yellow eyes gone replaced with Josh's usual deep green eyes.

"Josh." I whisper then a smirk covers his face and I fly backwards hard hitting the wall and falling to the ground numb.

I should've known!

"You're light makes you weak. You have to help everyone making yourself so vulnerable and small." He spits walking over to me. He yanks me up by the straps of my shirt and I moan in pain.

"Not weak, just caring." I painfully say spitting blood out of my mouth.

"Caring will get you nowhere in this world. Death and killing is what will get you anywhere."

"Not if the person you care for and you're trying to help was a good friend of yours a guy you always love and can go to. You were that boy Josh and if I can help you I will." I say seeing part of his walls crumble down but only for a second.

"You can never help me. I'm happy where I am."

"You and I both know that's not true. I saw the real you. You might've been pretending but nobody can pretend to be something that's not in their mind and body it's impossible." I say feeling my knife once again invisible land in my hand.

God how I hope I do not have to use this on him. Please let him see he's not a monster!

"You're wrong Raven. I knew your weakness was to see someone hurt someone you once knew and I used that against you. Face it you've been beat." He says but I shake my head.

"I know you still have a slither of light left in you." I say

"No I don't." He spits

"Then why haven't you killed me yet?" There I asked the risky question but I know it'll get to him. His yellow eyes meet mine but he stays silent.

"Why Josh? Why haven't you killed me yet? You could've killed me the first second you saw me but you knocked me unconscious, you could've killed me once you ripped the bag off of my head but you didn't, you could kill me right here and right how but you haven't." I say never taking away my eyes from his. He stays silent for a few minutes then replies.

"I was given orders Raven, ask if you'll do the switch and kill you if you deny."

"And I've denied repeatedly yet you have yet to kill me even in my most vulnerable and broken positions." I say and he throws me to the ground. I cry out in pain too weak to even try to heal myself.

He squats over me and raises his knife.

"Do it." I spit and he slams the knife down but stops an inch from my heart. One deep breath and that knife would pierce me.

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