Chapter 1

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***Time skip***
Seventeen years later

*At the Hyūga Guest palace*
Play song!👆🏼
Sakura yelped getting of the chair, "Are you trying to yank my hair off Ino?!"

Ino crosses her arms, "Then stop stirring, would you!"She scolded.

Tenten glanced at them from her phone, "It's the wedding jitters Ino"She excitedly said adjusting her unladylike posture on the queen sized bed.
"Just take a look at Hinata"She added in an obvious tone.Both sakura and Ino glanced towards Hinata who in return gave them distressed looks causing them to laugh.

"Hinata were getting married,it's not the end of the world"Sakura said in between laughs,sitting back down on the chair.

Hinata sighed, "it's nothing like that Sakura,It's just that ever since news got out about the double wedding thing,the media has gone wild and the guest list is enormous"She said terrified.She never really liked being the center of attention and she wasn't really good with large crowds,mostly people she wasn't familiar with or fond of.

"A Double wedding between four separate affluent and eligible clans in Konoha is bound to cause such a fuss Hinata"Ino explained.

"You don't see that happening everyday girls, just chill" Tenten said undisturbed making hinata groan,she seriously wasn't ok with all the grand gestures and formalities.

Ino huffed and sighed,dropping the hair brush, "I'm I not destined to get married?"She asked uncertain to no one in particular.
She couldn't help but feel insecure at some point about her current relationship of eight years with Shikamaru.They had been together for that many years,She'd expect him to have thrown in the question to her by now but the guy seems to be dense and seeing her friends get married would naturally make her question her relationship status with him.

"Is this all cause Shikamaru hasn't grown the balls to propose?"Tenten mocked.
"Poor shikamaru,with your hyperactive loudmouth nature who wouldn't?"She playfully taunted.

"I don't see Neji proposing either"Ino sniggered.

"I have a submissive boyfriend,getting him to propose would be child's play"She confidently said.

"I don't see what's so great about marriage"
Sakura mumbled staring at her reflection..clueless..
Her sudden outburst didn't come as a shock to the girls,they knew her dilemma,her situation was just complicated.She was getting married to a stranger,someone she hadn't seen in almost sixteen years,not because she loved him but solely because it was her duty.Yes,she felt something for him when they were teenagers but things change,people change and she had moved on.
The girls gave her sympathetic looks,only the people in her circle knew the whole truth about the marriage,only her close friends knew that it was an alliance.The rest of the world were clueless,the media and many people assumed she and the uchiha are getting married for the right reasons just like Naruto and hinata but that was far from the truth.

"Naruto Kun says he isn't that bad"Hinata said trying to gladden the mood.

Sakura stood up from the dresser and flung herself on the bed beside hinata staring at white ceiling uncertain,with a sigh she began, "I-I don't really care about all that anymore,I just want to get over everything in one piece"She said in despair.

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