Chapter 10:

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The first thing that Dick noticed apon waking is that a warm arm was firmly wrapped around his waste. The smell of chess balls and sweat infatrating his nose with a slight hint of frabiric soffener. His eyes flickered open. Instently widdening at the six pack he was practicly eye to eye with. He yawned, his eyes fluttering as he shifted in the red heads grip. He glanced around the room.

Crumbs and dirty landry spread along the floor as well as a few pairs of unmated shoes. A pair of boxers hung from what he could only asume was Wally's school desk, though, it was hard to tell what with the mountain of clothes ontop of it.

Glancing down he glimps the door before his eyes zeroed in on his legs. A few things came to him at this moment. A) Wally's legs where interwined with his own, B) the red heads hand was lower than he thought, just above his breifs, and C) he was not in the clothes he fell asleep in. No, he was lacking his skinny jeens and had one of Wally's old shirts lossly covering his uper half.

He slowly reched back and brought the hand up eyes trained on the red heads peaceful face. The red head had a gummy smile on his freckled face. Robins eyes flickered close again. Only to open when he felt the hand trail down slightly farther, resting on the heim if him breifs and griping it lightly. He watched the red head with a clear frown. He once again brought the hand up. Holding it in place before letting it go. He slowly rolled over only to find the hand trailing up and down his side well the other, the one that was snaked around his waste pulled him closer. Each time getting a bit lower. The red head held a smirk on his face as the ebony once again reched down to grab the hand. "Wally stop." Dick muttered well grabing tue hand and atempting to pull it up.

"No thanks boy wounderful." Wally rasped in his deep morning voice, sendinh shivers down the yongers spine.

"Wally..." useing the tone Alferd used on him when he was younger he begain to fight the olders grasp only to make it tighten more. The hand brushed past Robins breifs and triled inside the birds thighs.

"Yes, baby bird?" The red heads eys trained on the bird as he moved his hand in slow meaningful strokes.

"Stop." Giving him the best 'searious face' he could muster, which in reality wasnt that good at all, he quikly added. "Before Batman comes and makes sure your not felling the aster." The elder pouted and stoped moving his hamd before slowly traoling it up and brushing over the erected birds member.

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