Chapter 1:

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Robin sat in the living room area in the cave with Kid Flash playing Mario Cart and per always KF was losing, badly. Not that he was bad at the game, or that Robin was better he was just preoccupied. But who could judge him? He watched as the grin that sent butterfly rushing about in his stomach. His eyes keep fixating on the boy wonder whose green hoodie was clinging to his side. His fingers mashed the buttons as he struggled to win the round even though he was laps ahead of the scarlet speedster. He was fixated on the game so much that he didn't notice his girlfriend Zatanna walking in.

Kid and Zee didn't get along. In his mind, Robin was his. He has been him since the day they meant. The boy whom he had loved since day one would always be his. The ebony haired boy with the captivating smile, breathtaking sky blue eyes, to die for personality, and the mouthwatering body was always his, whether the boy know it or not. Zee was just a distraction. He knows that one day Robin and turn around and see him, he would see all the time he had loved him from afar and all the things the could--- would be! Though every time he sees them together, acting all cute, holding hands, kissing, staring into each other's eyes, his blood boiled. He couldn't stand it. It made him want to do something to ensure that the burd would stay his, and only his, his jealous side was always restless when the topic of Zatana cane up.

Then again in KF's mind, they had always been the end game. He would have the bird, he would make sure of it. He sent Zee a harsh glare than returned to the game sneaking prolonged glances at the boy wonder every other second.

She usually glared back but today was different. She moved behind him with a sad smile on her face as she kneeled down and wrapped her arms around his shoulders making Wally stiffen and glare at her. "Hi, Zee!" Robin chirped in his usual happy go lucky tone.

"Hi Robin," her voice was off, Robin couldn't place it but he knew something was wrong, "can we talk." Robin dropped the controller. His breath caught in his through. His eyes widened under the sunglasses.

"Talk?" He coughed out turning to her. The world seems to be spinning as he looked at her pleadingly. She nodded heavy heartedly. Robins' eyes widened farther under the mask. "Okay." His voice just above a whisper but it was obvious that it cracked.

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