Chapter 8

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Corey slowly opened her eyes. She looked around slowly waiting for all the lost boys to jump out at her. She looked down at her arms which were covered with bruises after falling down multiple times the day before. She knew she had to get off this island and in order to do that she had to find a way to get off. She laid back down and pretended to sleep so no one would get suspicious. She thought about the only person who outsmarted Peter , Bae. She had to get to his cave. He probably left something behind that she could use. Then she remembered, Bae figured out how to make a spell that prevented Peter from using magic on him. Not even poppy worked. All she needed to do was get to his cave Peter wouldn't be able to find her once she was there. She looked around. She didn't know how to get to the cave while avoiding detection. If one of the lost boys managed to follow her. Her plans would be ruined. She opened her eyes and looked up at the sky. She had to wait till night so she could use the stars to find the cave. But, Peter was always one step ahead of her. She could hear the ocean in the distance. The waves splashing against the sand and she began to close her eyes.


years and years ago in Neverland

She had Him by his hair with her sword at his throat. "Now bring me back to my ship." She hissed. Peter let out a laugh completely unfazed by the sharp sword near his throat.

"Oh, Corey" he said and with a flick of his hand the sword went flying into the sand. Corey stood frozen, unsure of what to do next. Her eyes darted back and forth between Peter and her Father's ship which she could see in the distance. She wondered that if she yelled for help if anyone would hear her. She got ready to take a deep breathe when she was stopped short. "Don't bother trying to call for help. They won't hear you." Corey's eyes grew wide she felt completely helpless. Then she heard a rustle in the bushes. She prepared herself to fight some lost boys but instead Baelfire came out.

"Corey!" He called as he ran across the sand toward her. She briefly forgot about Peter and ran to hug him. As she pulled away from the hug she gave Baelfire an ice cold glare.

"How dare you leave us like that! Family doesn't leave family! I don't care if you are mad at my father. He was just doing what mom would have wanted." Corey said with her glare softening. Bae glanced down at the ground for a moment. Before he looked back up at Corey his eyes big with regret.

"I'm sorry" he said quietly.

"Oh, what an adorable family moment" Peter said. Corey turned back around to face Peter. Her bright blue eyes glaring into his.

"Let us go!" She demanded. Peter smirked. As he and Felix both began to pace around them.

"Such fire, I like that." He said as be bent down and picked Corey's sword out of the sand. He looked at the handle of the sword. Where the word Cordelia was carved. "Cordelia, what a pretty name. That's what Corey's short for isn't it?" Corey stood still and stared at Peter. She wasn't going to answer any of his questions. Peter let out a hearty laugh. "Look at this Felix, now she's giving me the silent treatment." Corey's glare grew colder. Her eyes starring into Peter's green ones as if she was challenging him. He smirked and slowly walked toward her. "You can't stay silent forever." Whispered in her ear before he said. "Felix take them to camp." Then he disappeared into a cloud of green smoke.

* * * * * * * * *

Hook stood on the deck of his ship quietly as he stared at the dreadful island before him. Peter Pan had Corey. His heart sank deeper every time he thought about it. He thought about how angry she had been at him because he let Bae go. In the few weeks Bae had been with them, He had become like a son to Hook and like an older brother to Corey. Of course they looked the same age because of the years Bae had spent in Neverland and other magical places. Although he wasn't Hook's son by blood, Hook felt like he was and it killed him to know that Bae had chosen to leave them. But, he trusted that if Peter had spared Bae. Bae would take care of Corey. Hook heard footsteps coming from behind. He turned around slowly.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 11, 2014 ⏰

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