Chapter 7

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So it literally took me FOREVER to finish this chapter. I am so sorry. I wanted to get it done sooner but ya know . . . Life happens. Thanks so much for being so patient.


Emma, Hook, Snow and Charming sat silently in the sheriffs office. They desperately tried to think of ways to find the women with the gray sweatshirt but, they couldn't come up with any reasonable ideas. Emma sat with her feet on the desk. Her mind was blank. She glanced up at the clock across the room. It was noon.

"I have to go meet Neal and Henry at Granny's. I'll talk to Ruby and see if anyone with a gray sweatshirt has come by." She said as she got out of the chair.

"Ok, call us if you have any leads." Charming said.

"I'll go with you, love. I could use something to eat." Hook said as he followed Emma out the door. Out of the corner of his eye he could see Charming glaring at him. He always got the feeling that Charming didn't like him. He wondered if it was because he knocked him out with a crowbar several months back or because Charming some how knew that he had feelings for Emma. For a while he had tried to ignore the feeling. He was finally getting over Milah and beginning to accept that he had feelings for someone again. But, Then he was reunited with Corey he again tried to hide his feelings. He didn't know how Corey was going to react. But, two days ago Corey told him something that surprised him. As he walked down the street with Emma the scene replayed in his head.

***Two days ago***

He took a sip of his coffee as he waited for Corey. They always ate lunch together at 2:30. After the noon rush was gone and she was on break. Corey slid into the booth and took off her apron.

"How's work?" Hook asked as he slid a hot chocolate across the table to her.

"It's alright. I have to cover Ruby's shift. She was up late last night. With ...... The wolf thing" Corey said before taking a sip of her hot chocolate. The whipped cream left her with a white mustache on her upper lip. She laughed.

"It's like yours!" She said as she poked his upper lip. He let out a laugh. He loved watching Corey when she was happy. She had her mothers smile and her contagious laugh. Then he heard the bells ring he looked up to see who was coming in the door. He saw Emma. She sat down at the counter and started chatting with Ruby. He looked back at Corey. She had the slyest smirk on her face. He Raised an eyebrow.

"What are you looking at?"

"Do my eyes deceive me or does Killian Jones have a crush!" Corey laughed without the smirk ever leaving her face. He was taken back. She wasn't upset.

"You're not upset?" He asked.

"Why would I be? Dad, it's been like three hundred years." Corey said.

"You sure? But I have feelings for someone else."

"No you'll always have feelings for Mom. But, that doesn't mean it's wrong to develop feelings for someone else. You're not replacing her. Your just honoring her memory. This is what she would want." Corey said as she reached out and grabbed her fathers hand. "I've got to get back to work." Corey said as she slid out of the booth and tied her apron back on. He stood up and gave her a hug. He remembered when she was so small she had to hug his calf. Now she was up to his shoulder.

"I'm glad it's Emma I like her." Corey said. Hook smiled.

"I love you my little pirate." He sat back down he watched Corey run behind the counter. His eyes moved to Emma. She was wearing the red leather jacket she always wore and her long blonde hair tumbled down her back. Then he turned his head to see Corey staring at him. She held her phone up and pointed to it. He dug through his pocket with his right hand. He opened the message from Corey.

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