Chapter 1

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"Her trail ends here" Ruby said helplessly. Ruby had followed Corey's scent to an Alleyway in the center of town.

"Are you sure?" Hook said nervously. Ruby sniffed around some more but Corey's trail just ended.

"I'm definite. It just stops. There isn't even a fresher scent from when she left the alleyway it just stops.." Ruby said as she continued to sniff around. "I can smell something else and it's definitely not from Storybrooke."

Emma walked around searching for something that could help explain what happened. She walked back to where Hook and Ruby were standing.

"For now All I can do is put out missing person fliers and hope someone comes forward with some clues" Emma said.

"You expect me to sit around waiting for a clue when my daughter could be anywhere. She could be in danger!" Hook snapped. Emma and Ruby took a step back.

"I understand that! But what do you expect us to do? ... I can question everyone who was in the area at the time but that's the most I can do for the time being." Emma said. "Now I'm going to the police station to make some missing person fliers do you have a picture of her?" Emma asked Hook. Hook opened his mouth to say something but it was cut off my Ruby.

"I have tons!" Ruby said as she pulled out her phone.

"Great!" Emma said as they headed for the police station

The printer buzzed in the background as it printed hundreds of missing person fliers. Hook ha already left to start putting up fliers. She had used a picture of Corey that was on Ruby's phone. Wait Ruby's phone?

"Ruby?" Emma called to Ruby who stood on the other side of the office.

"Ya" Ruby replied as she turned to face Emma.

"Did Corey have a phone?" Emma asked curiously. Ruby nodded. " can you give me her number I may be able to track her." Ruby's eyes lit up as she pulled out her phone and gave Emma Corey's number. Emma carefully typed the number in before clicking enter. The loading sign came up. Emma and Ruby stared anxiously at the screen.


Emma's attention was drawn back to the screen.


Emma let out a frustrated sigh and leaned back in her chair.

"Wait can you look at where she was a little while ago?" Ruby asked curiously.

"You're a genius!" Emma exclaimed before setting it up so they could watch Corey's every move or at least Corey's phones every move from the last hour. The screen changed to a map of Storybrooke. A little dot moved from the docks towards the diner. As the dot approached the alleyway where Corey's scent ended it turned around and moved faster indicating Corey was Running. Then it stopped. Emma glanced back up at Ruby who stood nervously looking over her shoulder. The dot started going back towards the Alleyway slowly stopping every couple of feet. Then is slowly moved into the alleyway. It moved around towards the back of the alley but then the jolted toward the center of the alley before the dot disappeared

NUMBER COULD NOT BE TRACED. Reappeared back on the screen.

"What happened?" Ruby gasped. Emma frowned.

"I'm not sure." Emma grabbed her coat and headed for the door.

"I'm going back to the alley." Emma said as she glanced back at Ruby to see if she was coming. Emma turned around and before she knew if was on her butt on the ground.

"What the Hell!?" She exclaimed before looking up at the person she bumped into. "Oh hey" She said as she stood up. She looked at her Mom and saw the panic in her Mom's eyes.

"I saw the missing person posters!" Snow said


Hi hoped you liked it! That wasn't my best writing and I am kinda dissapointed with how it turned out. But this is a difficult point of veiw to write from so I think that's the problem.

Well anyway please comment telling me what you thought!!

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Thanks for reading!!!

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