Two years ago- the familiar face

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Two years ago, like the entire middle class Indian child, I was working hard to stable the family's status and as I was the elder child, the pressure of family's responsibilities got transferred from my dad's shoulders to mine. I had many dreams, I wanted to be an artist, but my family didn't like it. I had to kill my dreams and worked for the happiness of my family.

In the office, during the break time, most of my colleagues would talk about being fit and diet. I looked at myself, the tummy of mine getting increased, because of lack of sleep my hair started falling off and I felt that I am turning old and I decided that I will go for jogging, exercise, and diet from the next day, and I ate the food thinking about the exercise and jogging.

Later that night, I set up an alarm for early morning 5:00 am and go for the jog. It was morning 5 and after 3 snoozes, I woke up and got ready for the jog. I have gone to the park near my home. As soon as I entered the park, I have seen many people jogging, walking, performing yoga. While I was jogging, I found a girl of my age jogging around. Her face resembled someone I knew, but later I thought it just might be my misconception, and continued jogging. I have spent 30 minutes jogging, and my legs were badly hurting. I somehow tried going home, and took rest for few minutes, and got ready for my work. Even in the office, my legs were hurting and thought of quitting jogging. I saw my body, took the pain to reduce the fat and took an oath of continuing jogging every day.

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