35 - Joaquina

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I watch Tia & Delta run and jump, landing in front of her. The sister to one, mentor to the other. Both in her arms the whole time she is screaming "JOAQINA JOAQINA!!" the three she-wulves having reached each other, and toppled to the ground, now sit up onto their knees on the ground. Foreheads touching, Blubbering, crying in coherently, hands and body trembling, shaking as they caress the miracle of their union. The Goddess sends down soft rain to not only cool the earth from crimson's lava pools; but to relax and ease the three emotional she-wulves.

Tia Carrie and Carmen kiss mom's cheeks repeatedly, feverishly. Then they hug each other violently holding onto one another crying the whole time. Tia sobbing as she says "Mi HERMANAA!!(MY SISTER) MI HERMANAAA!!(MY SISTER). Carmen saying "Mi Maestra, Mi Maestraaaa!! The powerful emotions of this sight affects everyone present.

The trio kneeling, crying loudly as they hug mom Screaming "Joaquina!! MY TEACHER!!" Seer sobs are racking her violently as she holds onto mom for dear life. It returns the reaction just as violently by mom "SI MIJITA!!" she turns to Carmen "MY LITTLE FLACA!!" The three sit there, rain falling on them, softly wetting their hair and body laughing just laughing. All three foreheads touching each other not pulling away. Their tears slowing down, their laughter slowly fading, but not their embrace. They separate just briefly to stand and re-tap foreheads then intertwine arms locks. In their little circle using a little voice barely a whisper now they unified say "sisters of this pack can cause a heart attack!" and they laugh, pull back to look at one another.

Mom opens the conversation. "Carrie! my sister! my baby sister, I am sorry. I don't know where to begin or what to say. I am alive because of my daughter! You kept her safe. You, and Carmen."

My voice fills with pride as I correct my big sister "No waka (my pet name for her meaning wacky), not me. It was Alexi, our Luna. In a time when he had amnesia, he found, raised and kept her safe all this time not knowing she was family. When I came to meet his mate, I became just as happy as you are now, when I saw her. Not knowing she had always been in the safest hands possible, Alexi." My gaze changes to look to my son is with my brother-in-law slowly walking towards us "He has always been something, huh Joaquina." my sister respond with pride, her eyes also go to rest on him "yes he always has been".

I did not miss what my little sister carrie said and repeat it shocked. "Wait Little Alexi is LUNA? Not Alpha? His poor mate, does he know the SERIOUSNESS OF HIS MORNING COFFEE! Winking as we three sniffles again before chuckling.

I chuckle to Joaquina saying "Ask him yourself" as her sights come to rest on now approaching Alpha, Luna, and Pito. Follow closely by my grandson and his mate.

I look to my uncle-in-law "Tio, it's time." Belie nods but hesitates. There is a deep shame in his body language and voice. Averting meeting eye with me Tio Pito speaks shamefully "Alpha I killed my pack." He lowers his head and then humbly looks to his nephew, "Luna?". Alexi's eyes say it all stepping to his uncle, gently hugging him once more. "I will go with you." The five of us walk the two feet back to Carrie, Carmen, and Joaquina. The three female power houses stop chattering to stare at Belie as one.

My mate stands there three feet so nervous, with his head down, his body releasong small trembles. He does not look at me. Only to the ground. I look to my baby sister, no longer looking at Belie.

I was about to tell her I am unsure. But Carrie stops me and kisses my cheek "I lost my mate, my son found his, belie has always been yours Waka, go to him, forgive him. The time for pain is over. It is time to heal."

I nod, noting she has become so wise. At first, I hesitate. Slowly, I walk towards my mate. The smell of his special scent once more ignites within me. Renewing feelings long forgotten.  without saying a word we embrace. Carrie is right. it is time to release all the pain; the betrayal caused by one-eye. The true depth of the betrayal will take time to truly heal. But as Carrie said, "it is time to heal."

Celestial Wulf Chronicles: Born Necromancer    Book # 2Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz