-34-Mate of the Necromancer

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Embracing my daughter for the first time, I am elated to have her once more. "Your beautiful!!!" I say as Joyful tears fall down my cheeks. Quivering hands push her back to better gaze at her beauty "Let Me see you!!"

Mom stands back looking at me taking me in fully. Her watery eyes restlessly dance all over my face. Her plastered grin does not wane.

Everyone had phased. Delta Carmen and Titi Carrie stand trembling, tears streaming down their cheeks barely they speak with the lump in their throats breaking their words, sounding hoarse "Jo-a-Joaqina. Their tones stuttering a whisper like she will evaporate if spoken too loud "Joaqina, Joaqina? (Georgina)"

Mom, hearing their wispy voices faces them fumbling, trembling as, for the first time in years she sees her student and her sister. Her lips go from quivering to trembling, her eyes renew their watery cascades while her hands resch upwards to cover her mouth. Unintentionally, she releases me as slowly, barely able to stand, the she-wulf pair approach her. Then as if in shock, they both scream "JOAQINA!!" bolting to her.

They collide with her, grabbing embracing mom in their arms tightly the three falls to the ground and then assume a kneeling position. Their hands press her head between them. She does the same. Their intense sobs of joy heard & profoundly felt. Combined with the sobs of a mother is reunited with her lost cub.

I step away to my mate Tito, giving them this moment. I see Luna phase, standing beside Ruben, who cradles him in a one arm hug. His stuttering voice more subdued but equal emotionally matching TiTi & Delta's, I see the color around his eyes turn red as water builds in them, then falls "T-Tia". his voice at peace.

For a moment, I watch briefly as my aunt leans back, takes in her daughter fully, visually for the first time. Words do not describe what I feel within. This is all I ever wanted, my whole family. Ruben stands beside me, as does our son Ben with his mate Thom. I look slightly to my left to see a brownish copper wulf sitting alone, head down away from everyone, TiO. I know what I must do.

Instead of going to my aunt thought long dead, I head towards him, Ruben, Ben, and thom by my side. Arriving at tio (uncle), I kneel in front of him without saying a single word. I hug giving him a kiss onto his furred neck saying two words "Hi TiO (Uncle)".

He whines from my touch licking my cheek saying, "I missed you too mi hijo (my son)." Tio phases his shame still clear in his body language and eyes as he avoids my gaze speaking "Gracias la Diosa. She forgave me Luna, La Diosa mi perdono. (Thank the goddess. She forgave me)" Unable to speak from the emotional lump in my throat I nod my head up and down and hug him again.

Maintaining my gaze on my uncle, happy to have him back. The lump momentarily fades from my throat. I turn halfway and begin with pride, introducing my mate "Tio Belie this is ..." But he cuts me off completing my sentence for me as he bows down "My Alpha, Ruben Acosta Mate to my nephew, My Luna." and kneels. A proudful Ruben puffs out his chest boasting. "that's right shit"

Alexi hits my chest "WHAT!! IT'S TRUE!!" I say as I lean forward and tap Belie's shoulder asking "has Alexi always been this feisty?"

I smile at my soon to be Alpha then at Luna and back to Alpha chuckling "Yup!" I add "Try being around him without coffee, SCAARRRRYYY!"

My new Alpha responds immediately "I KNOW!!" we chuckle. Alexi lightly elbow bumps Ruben in the chest.
saying "Manners" and we laugh.

Tio rises fully to stand to address a smiling Ben and Thom "you-you are BEN, my grandnephew." Then looking to Thom, "Thom his mate and once, almost Beta. But. CHIEF EDITOR of the NEW YORK TIMES" TiO looks smiling saying "got every one right?" grinning. I look back at him chuckling saying "Sorro (show off.)"

With no indicator, I stop short, spin, embracing my uncle so hard and tight. "I missed you so much." overwhelmed in tears and the ache in my throat. I don't say another word.

The first hug I have felt in years. and it is from my family. " I have watched you grow up and could never touch you. I am happy Alejandro. I have you still" Pulling back, I cup his face staring into his moist eyes. "You Have made me so very, very proud mijo." I kiss his cheeks. "now come, we have the rest of my senior life to catch up."

Looking up I see them not that far ahead. " I am scared nene. Scared of my mate. I have done so much harm. How can I face her? The mate I have betrayed. The daughter I would have sent to her death. It blinded me. All that time Alejandro, it felt as if I were walking in a fog. Seeing what was happening, the despicable acts I had conducted. but I could not stop. As if the will of a Celestial were controlling me. But now, now I must face my crimes before the eyes of the only blood I have left. My daughter and her mother."

Mulatto looks with his eyes, but he did not have to. I step to Belie with a smile on my face "Come. Tio. Allow me to tell you about what awaits you. She will welcome you, forgive, and show you how much she has grown. You will meet your 14 grandchildren" Belie pauses in mid-stride "14?"

"YES Fourteen !!! good luck with the babysitting.!" I laugh. mulatto smirks so do thom. Ben as always comes to the rescue "TiO, Dad is toying with you. he wants you to be calmer when you meet them."

"Benjamin. I have done much wrong. I pray the goddess is not the only one to forgive me." my eyes sorrow show. The ache my chest is strong. "I need the guidance of the one I hope to call Alpha." Reuben looks to me

"You Already have it." I say cradling Belie under my arm.

"Thank you Alpha."

Celestial Wulf Chronicles: Born Necromancer    Book # 2Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora