"What- what the hell is going on?!" I shout. My mother rushed to my side, softly stroking my face.

"You were in an accident." she cooed gently. I look over to my father who rushed to my side, along with my younger brother, Chris.

"I know that." I informed her. "Where are the others? Are they okay?" I paused, trying to hold back a cry, my lip quivering, "Are they alive?"

My mother and father exchanged a strange look, causing my to panic.

"They're alive, they are all alive." she informed me. I sighed happily. She pulled a curtain, showing Michael and his parents, on the left of me. I smiled at the sight of him, even all bruised and scratches, with several bandages, I've never been happier to see his face. My father pulled the curtain on the right of me, showing Luke. Joyous tears overflowed.

"You guys are okay." I grinned. Liz had pushed the curtain, Ashton was next to Luke.

"Guess who's finally awake." Ashton chirped. I chuckled, "Look who's talking."

My eyes began to search for Calum. I couldn't find him. I was becoming worried.

"Mom, where's Calum?" I uttered. She exhaled. "The doctors are testing him." My vision became blurred. I shook my head.

"For what?" I questioned. She opened her mouth, but stumped on her words. I looked over to my father, but he didn't say anything. My eyebrows raised, shocked. My weary arms helped my body up. I shifted over, my legs dangling on the side of my bed.

"Honey, please lay back down." My mother begged. I removed the tube connecting me to an IV, from my arm. I grab the machine, which was helping me breath. My legs wobbled. They were still pretty bruised, and a large bandaged was wrapped around my right knee.

"Where's Calum?!" I grit through my teeth. "Why is he being tested?!" I tried walking over to the door, my steps were short. It hurt like hell walking, so I took my time, inhaling sharply with each step I took. I could feel my body wearing out on me and my vision was becoming hazy.

"Please lay down Scarlet." A doctor rushed over to me. His arms helping my body up. My head was beginning to hurt. He helped guide me back to my bed, gently placing me. He hooked my IV back onto arm, which resorted some of my strength.

"I'm Mr. Harris. I am your doctor." He introduced. "Glad to see you're awake." he flashed a smile at me. "You're the last to awake."

"I don't care about me. Why is Calum being tested?!" I asked. He takes out a small flashlight from his pocket. He moves my face upward. I flinched away from him.

"I need to check your vitals, can I do that?" he asks nicely. I groaned, but allowed him to do so. The flashlight shined brightly, nearly blinding me.

"Seems pretty good, now do you remember anything from the accident? Prior it as well?" He questioned, he was seeing if my memory was still intact.

I nodded. " Yes. I know my name is Scarlet Jae Foster. I was born the fifth of September of 1996. I remember everything. I remember the car rolling down the side of the highway. I remember, seeing part of the car on fire. I remember Luke pushing the car down off me and Calum, and speaking of which, you never answered my question, why is he being testing?!" I fumed, glaring hardly at the doctor. The parents in the room tense up as I did not spare them some of the details of the accident.

"Well Calum's injuries were far more intense than the four of you." Mr Harris acknowledged. "He's extremely lucky to be alive at this moment. However, given the extent of his injury, he had some neurological damage."

"Neurological?" I questioned.

"Brain damage." Luke mentions, swearing under his breath and throwing his head back on his pillow. I gasped.

"W-well how bad is it?" I wondered. His shrugged. "We don't know yet. We are going to continue testing him. He seems to remember a lot of things, which is good. He can recall several basic facts along with the accident. But."

"But..?" My palms became sweaty.

"Some of his motor skill might take a while to get back. Like things he learned to do, like ride a bike, play guitar, such things."

I looked over to the boys and sighed.

"Look it on the plus side. He's alive, he's a miracle." I thank the doctor for catching me up on all I needed to know, even if it makes my heart want to scream, and my body weak. I wanted nothing more than just to cry, to clenched onto my chest, fighting desperately for breath. To rock back and forth and scream until I couldn't anymore.

"Everything is going to be fine." Ashton assured me. Luke agreed. I turned to look at Michael.


He grinned.



two updates in a day because i felt like writing and i couldn't stop.

this is where the story can actually start beginning like i'd hope.

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