Chapter 50: Gohan Unleashes

Start from the beginning

Goku looked back to where Dende, Hercule and Videl stood. He narrowed his eyes at their figures before looking to where the Kai's stood.

"You guys need to get out of here now. If you stay you'll only be helping Majin Buu."

They all widened their eyes. "WHAT?!" They questioned.

Kinoko glanced back at them. "Do you want him to die or not?!"

Goku placed a hand on Kinoko's shoulder. "That goes for you two."

Her eyes widened before she shrugged his hand away. "What? No. I won't leave. Not if Gohan is here."

"Kinoko please, Gohan won't be able to focus if he's worried about your safety. Your basically all he cares about now, if you get hurt I don't think even defeating Majin Buu will be enough to calm his rage."

Her eyebrows furrowed. "Gohan wouldn't hurt anyone for no reason. He's not like that."

Goku narrowed his eyes at her. "Gohan has unleashed a lot of his power throughout the day, Kinoko. But inside him he has a dormant ability when he is pushed too far and I'm afraid that as a Super Saiyan Three he won't be stopped."

She narrowed her eyes. "No you're wrong. Gohan isn't some ruthless monster. I refuse to leave! I can take care of myself, and Gohan is an adult, not an eleven year old boy. Why don't you leave?"

Goku sighed in defeat. He looked over to where the others were. Videl, Hercule, Bee and the Kai's were all next to Kibito.

"I understand what you mean, Goku." The supreme Kai informed.

It was silent a moment. Gohan had his glance dead set on the crystal ball as he watched Majin Buu laugh while he destroyed planets.

The Old Kai stepped forwards towards Goku and Kin. "Oh I know!" He began. "You think this whole planet is going to be demolished during the fight don't you."

Kinoko rolled her eyes. "Well it won't be pretty I'll tell you that."

The old Kai shrugged. "Oh well, kick butt you guys."

Dende looked to the four Saiyans. "Do your best you guys, especially you Gohan."

Kinoko glanced over to Gohan. As much as she wanted to approach him she couldn't. She began to actually think about what Goku said. She shook out his words from her head. Gohan would never leave her, so she just couldn't leave him.

"Well try our best." Goku responded.

They all grabbed onto Kibito and transmitted to a new location. Just as they left, all the Saiyans sensed someone appear in front of them. He smiled widely and evilly at the Saiyans.

Kid Buu broke out into a giggling fit, laughing both playfully and maniacally at the group in front of him.

"Wonder what's so funny," Kinoko rose an eyebrow, clearly not getting the joke.

Gohan merely glared at the child-like djinn, feeling nothing but contempt for it. After all, it was very much responsible for the deaths of his mother, little brother, friends and children, not to mention his planet.

Scratching the back of his head in bemusement, Goku turned his head over to his son, daughter-in-law and rival. "So, who wants to be first".

"I'll go", Gohan immediately stepped forward before anyone could say anything. Still in his Super Saiyan 3 form with sparks of electricity around his body, the half saiyan looked as intimidating, if not more, than when he first became a Super Saiyan 2 at the Cell games.

Vegeta crossed his arms and scoffed but didn't say much. Deep down, he really wanted to see what the eldest child of Kakarot could do in this state as angered as he was.

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