Chapter 1

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~18 years later (almost)~

Alex's POV

The sound of yelling awoke me from my truly amazing sleep. I immediately jumped out of bed and ran, more like jumped, down the stairs. I arrived at my fathers office in the blink of an eye, I all but knocked down the door only to see my father's Third, Bryan, arguing with my father, the Alpha of the Blue Moon pack. They both stopped yelling and stared at me with surprised eyes. Bryan cleared his throat and said "Umm yes well, Alpha." Then he bowed his head showing that he was leaving. I glanced back at my father, and wished I hadn't, his eyes were pitch black, telling me he was beyond angry, he was about to shift. I immediately went up and hugged my enraged father until he stopped shaking and eventually hugged me back.

I looked up to my father, and saw his eyes back to their light blue color. I sighed in relief, "what were you and Bryan talking about?" He stayed silent with a thoughtful look on his face. He let go off me and ran a hand through his light brown hair, which I inherited, "Dad?" "Sweetheart it's nothing, come lets go get breakfast" he said while moving us so he is guiding me out of his office. I knew my father was trying to get me to let it go but I am not accepting that. I want to know why my dad and his third were having a screaming battle. I turned towards my dad, pushing his arm away, "no dad please just tell me, is it about a 'Luna' again?" You see, my fathers Third has been pushing for my father to remarry and take on a new Luna, 'it's for the better of the pack' he says. Sure. I know that my father could never even think about another woman like that, I am just glad that he doesn't blame me for my mothers death....

"Yes, he even came up with candidates this time. You know, I am really starting to question why he is still my third." My dad says seriously, but he has that sad and lost look in his eyes that he gets whenever he thinks about mom.

"So you wanna go get something to eat now?" he asked bringing me out of my thoughts. "Su-", "hey David I'm back!" The voice said just after we hear the front door open. The voice belonged to a man I could only call my second dad, my pack's Beta, Michael. I looked up to my dad silently asking permission to be excused, he nodded, as I ran out of the office and basically tackled Michael in a hug. Michael and his mate, Callie, couldn't have kids, so they treated me as their own. They helped my dad raise me, as a family.

Callie walked in the door soon after, and like Michael, I tackled her in a hug. My dad came down and greated them, before we all moved to the couches and talked. I sat on the couch next to my dad, while Micheal and Callie shared the other. I look at Micheal and Callie, they were complete opposites, Micheal being 6'2" (which is just under my dad's height of 6'3") with green eyes and dark brown hair, and Callie standing a little under 5'6" with brown eyes and blond hair.They looked happy, I can only hope that my mate and I can have that same kind of happiness one day.

"So Alex, any luck with your wolf?" Michael asked, "no not yet, hopefully soon though." I shifted when I was 15, and well lets just say I don't have that bond with my wolf that others have, it's been almost three years since then and I haven't shifted or even heard from my wolf at all. I feel like she is'nt even there, but dad says not to worry as you get older your bond with you wolf will mature and everything will be normal. He thinks I just shifted to early, but I don't know maybe I really am different, will I ever shift?

"David I got that package you asked me to retrieve" I heard Michael say as I snapped out of my thoughts. "what package?" I asked, the room went dead silent, I glanced over to my dad, he looked uneasy, but his eyes were glassed over meaning he was using mind link. When I looked across to Michael and Callie, my assumption was correct their eyes were glazed over as well. I wonder what's in this 'package' that got made them so secretive....

~ Michael's POV

"David I got that package you asked me to retrieve", I looked over at David to see why he didn't reply, he looked nervous I wonder wh-, " what package?" Alex asked, wait oh god I forgot Alex was in the room that explains why he was so nervous these files were supposed to be kept a secret from her.

"MICHAEL!" David yelled to Callie and I through mind link, "why did you asked in front of Alex!" he asked again a little quieter now. "I am sorry, I forgot she was there, but she does have a right to know." "I agree, Callie says, "I don't know guys...."he replied "David, she will be eighteen in a week, she is an adult and has a right to know what she is." Callie continued, this made David's uneasiness even greater. "Fine, guys I will tell her!"

We cut our mind link, Alex was looking rather annoyed, "Wait until she finds out, then she will be really annoyed." My wolf said to me, David turned so he was now facing Alex with the files in his hand, without saying anything he hands her the files. "What are these?" she asks curiously looking at her dad. She looked around to all of us, with a worried look on her face, " Wh-what's going on?" she glances down at the files, "why am I looking at my mothers lineage?" "Dad, what is this?!" she looks back at her dad. " Alex, I need you to calm down." David told her.

"How do you think she will take it?" Callie asked me through mind link, "I honestly don't know, I still haven't fully comprehended what she is."

"Alex, I needed to look at your mothers lineage, so I called your uncle Xander to prepare the files, I sent Michael to get them to make sure they were kept safe." David finished looking at Alex, "but I don't understand why you need mom's lineage?" Alex asks again looking perplexed. "Sweetheart, you haven't been able to shift, for almost 3 years, at first I thought maybe your wolf wasn't ready but after a year I started to look into it more", he paused looked over at Callie and I, then back at Alex. "I had looked into every folk-lore, history, and stories alike, but I still couldn't find the cause of your, anomaly. Eventually I stumbled upon a story written by a Luna, who lost her mate, then her mind. She wrote about an Alpha's daughter that would become the first Fe-"

"ALPHA, ROUGES!" Bryan the third in command yelled through mind link, interrupting David. Next thing I know we had shifted and arrived at the north-east border, where the rouge 'pack' and their leader, initiated a fight with our pack. "I got a bad feeling about this Michael." Callie said to me through our link, "I know I have that same feeling, I love you Callie, please be safe." "I will, I love you Michael" She replied.

We ran into battle fighting like the Beta, and Beta Female we are, not knowing what we were getting ourselves into.

A/N: Hey guys thanks for reading, hopefully I will get chapter 2 up by the end of this week.

Comment and tell me what you think of this book, I would really like to hear your impute!


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