Chapter 4~Everything Changes (Part 3)

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Everything was moving so slow.
The rouge alpha froze in the middle of this blood bath before me.
My whole world was resting on a very thin ledge.
His gaze shifted to look me directly in the eye.
From silence to murder, the rouge alpha leaped at his two opposing alpha's, my father and uncle. The rouges whom were waiting idly by, began attacking with renewed strength.
Brian, our pack's third in command died first. The way his head rolled from his body left my stomach churning. His death led to a whole new wave of rouges. But most of all, it was what caused my father to look at me for the last time. I couldn't breath. He looked panicked, frightened, but most of all worried, for my safety. More pain erupted in my chest as I heard Callie yell, she was separated from her mate, Michael, fighting just as he was.
She fell, the only mother figure in my life, died.
As she laid on the ground, rouges over he lifeless body, Michael felt the pain of his mate's death. He ran, as fast he possibly could, killing anything and everything that stood in his way, our pack knew to move, but the rouges were not as lucky. Michael killed the rouges around her. He let out a painful howl, shifted, and held the love of his life in his arms for the last time.
As I watched this scene play before me, more rouges snuck up behind Michael, I yelled, I tried to warn him. But I'm not even sure if he had heard me if he would have moved from his mate.
Michael was the third to die, holding his beloved mate.
My vision is blurred, my family is dwindling away before my eyes. The people I knew most in the world were dying, one after the other, until they are all gone.

My uncle Alexander passed next, the only thing I was feeling was regret. If I had never called him, his two children would grow up with a father. We wouldn't have to share that kind of pain.

I grew up without a mother, never knowing the woman who bore me. Whenever someone found out she died, they pitied me. It always dawned upon me that not knowing her, not feeling her touch, or comfort, prevented me from truly understanding that pain of losing a parent.

Watching Callie, Michael, and Alexander die were some of the hardest times of my life. But nothing compares the the pain I felt when the Rouge Alpha took my father to the ground.

I felt as though my lungs had been ripped from my chest, leaving me to fight for breath as my father took his last.



The only substantial idea I could hold onto. Lightning struck my very core, and consumed me.

My mind became hazy, like the world hit pause.
My body progressed, but I was no longer in charge. I bared witness to my first shift in nearly a decade. My first shift as an Alpha.

Alpha.  My body suddenly becomes reanimated and all the rage and fear inside comes tumbling out. This is not my role. Not yet- my father, my family, they were taken from me and my blood screams with the need for revenge. A wolf foreign to me crawls to the forefront of my mind, taking control.

Suddenly I am covered in blood, bodies slashed left and right. I was unstoppable, it seems, even for myself. 

Death was my true role now.

Every rogue who dared stay became targets, and soon the tide of this battle flipped. Pure animalistic rage pushed my wolf to wipe out an army. I held back nothing, and soon my pack retreated in awe to my triumph, or perhaps, fear of who— what I've become.

In the end, all that was left was blood.

Cold blood, and an orphaned girl as Alpha.

Fate just loves to play games.



Here it is! The long awaited return! Let's see if I can be more consistent?

Let me know what you think!

<3 SparkleGirl

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