"You know where that goes, Bakura. In the sink," Marik said sternly.

"Fine. Whatever," I grumbled as I grabbed the tea cup and its saucer and brought it to the kitchen, placing the two dishes in the sink. I decided I planned to have tea when Marik woke up at one later tonight so I turned on the water and began to wash my tea cup. I would use a different tea cup, if Marik hadn't of broken all of them in an argument we had before Ryou came back. "So, did you hear me when I said let's get out of the house?" I asked.

"Gee I would frigin' love to but I can't find my keys, Bakura! The closest interesting place to this apartment is at least a mile away! So, unless you had a car hidden in your room, I don't want to walk," Marik angrily spat back and all I could think of when Marik spoke was a woman on her period. I was close to saying something to him along those lines but decided against it.

"Marik, your keys are in your back pocket. Also, your hair is a mess, your eyeliner isn't perfect, your clothes look like they were wadded into a ball, and you haven't sprayed on your new favorite cologne." I finished cleaning my tea cup and saucer and placed it on a hand towel to have it air dry and walked back into the living room. "So, why don't you make yourself pretty for me then I can take you out," I said. I made sure to smirk to ensure Marik would get my hinting and hoping he would react.

"I'm not gay Bakura and this is not a date! If anything it's a straight date between friends," Marik said sternly as he headed off to, most likely, fix himself up.

Ra, how much I do love it when he walks away from me. Could stare at him all day.

"I wouldn't say we're friends, Marik," I stated once my pleasant view walked into the bathroom.

"Fine! We're best friends. Honestly, if you wanted me to put you in my best friend list just say so next time," Marik said, his voice echoing from the bathroom.

I rolled my eyes and pinched the bridge of my nose to calm my nerves before I talked. Frankly, I still find it hard to believe there is someone this stupid in the same world as me. I can deal with hearing the friendship speeches, the goody goody behaviors, and even the huge ego monologues from Kaiba but stupidity is the one thing I can hardly stand.

"No, Marik. I meant we aren't friends at all. The only reason we stay around one another is because of our common interests. So, we are partners. Be sure to get that through your thick skull. I'd rather not have to explain this again later," I grumbled. I decided to sit down and grab my book I had lying on the coffee table. I knew Marik would be a while so I might as well entertain myself with a good read before I had to go do whatever the hell Marik wanted later today.

"Jeez! Who hurt you in your Ancient Egyptian past?" I heard Marik say from the bathroom. It caught my attention to the point where I peaked my head from my book towards the bathroom and I saw Marik's head sticking out. "I am not around you just because of that. If I wanted, and if I hated you that much, I would just deal with Yugi myself. I have the resources and more than enough to satisfy my needs compared to here."

"Then why the bloody hell stay here?" I snapped.

"Because I like to hang out with you. It's fun!" Marik chirped. "Also Ryou is okay to be around and his cooking is to die for." With that, Marik pulled his head back into the bathroom, leaving me speechless on the couch.

"What did I miss?" Ryou excitedly asked besides me, appearing next to my side. "Your heart's racing and-" Ryou gasped. "Are you blushing? Alright, what did I miss? What did Marik say?"

I glared at Ryou, making sure my expression showed my rage towards him. It made him jump a bit and shrink down a little. "I'll ask later," Ryou said then disappeared from my side.

Book 2: Millennium Love (Thiefshipping)Where stories live. Discover now