Intro (Not First Chapter Nor Prologue)

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Oh-ho-kay! So, I allowed Bakura (Yami Bakura. Get use to me just calling him Bakura. That is how I will address him because I call Hikari Bakura by Ryou. So, there you have it.) to write the first chapter because I thought it would be easier. Well, instead I got this intense moment down below. And yes, Bakura wrote ALL of it. None of this actually happened, by the way. It's just how he wanted things to go I guess. Not saying I don't like this chapter but so not how things went. Anyways, Bakura and I hope you enjoy.
Bakura: I don't give a damn if they like it or not. They can all piss off.
Me: Out! I'll call you back later.
Bakura: *rolls his eyes* Fine.
Me: Oh, Bakura also chose the picture above too. He probably chose it because it makes him look badass. Actually, let me ask really quick. BAKURA!!
Bakura: You tell me to leave and now you want me to come back!? Make up your bloody mind! *comes back*
Me: Why did you choose the picture above?
Bakura: Because it made me look badass.
Me: Totally called it! Ok, you can go back now.
Bakura: *grumbles and walks off*
Me: Anyways, hope you enjoy!

"Bakura what are you-"

"Just shut up," Bakura forcefully pushed Marik against the wall but the look on his face was nothing of hate or annoyance. Instead, Bakura's demeanor was that of a lustful beast eyeing its prey. As Bakura got to his target, he put his hands on the wall, each on opposite sides of the sandy platinum blonde's head, making it near impossible for any escape.

Marik kept his back to the wall, trying as hard as he could to keep away from the white haired man with the intention in his eyes that seemed to fuel his actions. Bakura leaned closer to Marik and grabbed the Egyptian's chin as he leaned even closer.

Marik, completely unsure what to do, like a dog entrapped by the net of a dog catcher, just watched helplessly as his enemy, his friend, his room mate came closer and closer to his lips with his own.

"Bakura! What the frig!"

Bakura pulled his hands away from the keyboard and looked to his left side to see Marik so close to him that it made Bakura wonder how he didn't notice him there earlier. The sudden angered shout from his partner scared and surprised Bakura for a moment, but only for that brief moment as it turned into annoyance as he grumbled angrily, "What now Marik?"

"You said this is suppose to explain how we got together! What is this?" Marik asked as he looked at the stuff Bakura had written. Marik's eyes were dotting across back and forth, showing the rate of his reading, making Bakura wonder how much of it he was actually reading. Then again, it wasn't all that much that Bakura had written up.

"It does," Bakura exclaimed.

"First off, no it does not! None of that even happened! That is not how it went down at all. Second, that is not the beginning!" Marik gave Bakura that angered and confused look that had always made the white haired man smile. However, the smile didn't appear this time as he felt too annoyed with his partner for one: reading over his shoulder, and two: telling how to write his story.

"Marik," Bakura finally growled in frustration.

"What? I am wanting to make sure you don't add any of your 'exciting details' so be truthful!" Marik snapped, putting air quotes around the words "exciting details" as he spoke them.

"Marik, you are making this chapter not so much a chapter but more or less a prologue," Bakura stated. "Also, I am doing it how the fangirls would want. Besides, this is how I remember it." Bakura nearly chuckled at the lie and held it back rather well other than the mischievous smile plastered on his face gave him away.

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