Chapter Six

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Bakura: What the bloody hell is that?
Marik: Clearly it's you.
Bakura: I know it's me you fool! I was talking to her. *points to me* What the bloody hell is that?
Me: A poor chibi drawing of you.
Ryou: Poor? I think it's cute!
Marik: Where are his pupils?
Me: I don't want to try and do pupils. I would end up ruining it.
Bakura: Not like it could be any worse.
Me: Oh screw you! I know I can't draw like Yugi but that is no reason to bash me on my drawings!
Melvin: *walks in* What am I mi- *bursts out laughing* What the fuck is that? *points at my drawing*
Ryou: Malik! That isn't nice! Stop laughing at Treacherous' drawing!
Melvin: Oh I am so glad you aren't pursuing in art!
Me: *flips him off* Screw you too Melvin. Screw you too.

Ryou's POV

A week past since Marik proposed his plan with Bakura which meant back to school. Back to trying to live a normal life even though my life was everything but. Back to homework, lessons, lecture, bullies, and all the rest with going to a high school. Only this time it was other me- I mean Bakura attending school, using one of his special abilities that come from the Millennium Ring.

Apparently, Millennium Items have their own unique abilities. For example, Bakura is able to look like me and sound like me even though I am not in control of my body. None of the other Millennium Items can do that, or at least so Marik says.

Another interesting thing is that Malik hasn't come out to visit me at night since the one time. I questioned it a great deal but I put faith in my psychopath that he was reserving himself for a reason. I just wish he was with me right now.

It was currently five in the morning and I have been up all night dealing with anxiety. I tried to fall asleep in my Soul Room, since Bakura was in control of my body, but I just couldn't fall asleep. I really needed Malik to hold me. Nothing more. I just needed him to hold me to calm my nerves, but just like these past few nights, nothing. I've even taken over during the night and asked if he would come out but nothing.

"I hope he is alright," I mumbled.

I sat in my Soul Room and waited for the remaining time and, sooner than I expected, the alarm clock went off and I heard Bakura groan and his mind wake up. I began to feel him actually wake up in the real world and took a deep breath.

Here goes nothing.

I appeared outside next to Bakura as a spirit and gave the spirit of the Millennium Ring a smile. "Good morning, other me!" I chirped.

"Will you tone down your peppy voice?" Bakura snapped. "I just woke up," he grumbled and rubbed his face.

"Well, if you wouldn't stay up with Marik you would have had more sleep," I pointed out but lightheartedly.

"Just piss off, Ryou," Bakura growled and got out of the bed in only pajama bottoms.

"Is it really all that warm during the night?" I asked.

"Is it not for you?" Bakura asked. I only shrugged in response and decided to leave Bakura to change and get ready. I knew Marik was all ready for the day, since I heard him get up at about 5 in the morning. It makes me wonder how Marik is able to sleep so little. He goes to bed at varies times- occasionally being late or early- wakes up at 1 in the morning to watch a movie then goes back to bed just to wake up at 5 or 6 in the morning. It actually impresses me now that I think about the matter.

I walked into the living room and I saw Marik holding my school bag and putting stuff in it. He had a mischievous grin on his face, telling me had placed something in my bag that Bakura would hate once he saw it.

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