CH 6: A New Worker?

Start from the beginning

Han River is a tourist hot spot, but Suji didn't really ever visit Han River, only seeing it in articles or images and imagining herself there made her feel like she was actually there.

The sun was setting, the sun reflecting on the river.

It was beautiful.

They crossed the street and made their way to the glistening river.

"Have you ever been here?" Hansol asked hesitantly. He hoped not because then it'd be embarrassing for him to take her here.

"No actually. It's my first time." Suji said, still locking her eyes on the river which reflected in her eyes.

Hansol gave himself a small pat on the shoulder.

Suji got her phone out and took dozens of photos, until she remembered what Euna asked.

"May we take a picture?" Suji said quietly.

"Of course." Hansol smiled and got behind Suji, Hansol did a peace sign while Suji did a finger heart, she took the picture. Now she has a memory that she'll never forget, in pictures.

Suji sent the pictures to the group chat.

"I've actually never really got to go around Seoul or anywhere else. The places I've ever really visited was Incheon Airport, our café, and school." Suji admitted. They were now sitting on the grass, staring as the sun was setting before the river.

"Wow your life was boring." Hansol commented.

Suji pushed Hansol lightly.

"I'm sorry." Hansol said smiling at the girl.

"Nah, its alright. I gotta admit that my life is boring. I was missing out on a lot of stuff. Making friends was hard because I'm not that kind of a social person. I'm very shy, but my friends really helped a lot. Even though people called me a loner, dumb, the weak girl who never does her homework, they really made me a better person." Suji took a deep breath after recalling those horrific memories.

"There may be bad memories at first, but after bad memories, there's always good memories." Suji said. "And to be honest, your one of the causes of my good memories."

Hansol looked at Suji who was looking at the river. He felt incredibly touched and his heart beated fast.

"Thank you." Suji said and looked at Hansol.

They locked eyes, just like they did when they first met.


Suji was taking cashier today, she kept on recalling what happened yesterday.


After hearing those words, Hansol grabbed Suji's hands and held them tightly.

"Just remember, I'll always be by your side. Through bad and good."

Wow. Just wow. She blushed and tried to hide it from Hansol, who was washing the cups.

The door rung, meaning someone came in.

"Hello, what would you like to order-" She looked up and her heart stopped for a second.

"I heard you need new workers?" The person asked.

Hansol, hearing those words, looked at the person who was talking to Suji. It was a boy.

Suji wanted to curl up in a hole and never come out until this man was out of her café.

"Hello?" The man asked again.

"Why-Why are you here?" Suji asked.

"Oh I just wanted to visit my friend, Suji." The man smiled.

Hansol gave a death glare to that guy, having a bad feeling about him.

Suji's mom came out of the back and came to the counter.

"What's wrong?" Suji's mom smiled at the person.

"I'm a friend of Suji, and I heard you guys need workers. I'm free whenever."

Suji's mom smiled brightly. "Yes! We definitely need workers. Let's organize an interview time, come with me please." Suji's mom motioned for him to follow her to the back.

The man gave one last glare to Suji and smiled.


HEELOOOOOOyoooO. I changed the cover for this fanfiction, and I think it's better than the last cover hah. anyways thank you again! :) oh and btw, im now taking suggestions to who I should do a fanfiction with suji!! so comment on my story who u think should be the next person I shall do a fanfiction with suji

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