Chapter Eleven

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Chapter Eleven

"No, no he won't Amy," Josh held me close stroking my head, I was still crying.

"He will, he was ill before, and he was so ill, this might finish him off," I couldn't believe what I was saying. I don't know what shall happen. Josh pushed me back and looked straight into my eyes.

"I will always be here Amelia. I promise." He cupped my cheek and kissed my forehead, I snuggled into his chest sniffing and he rubbed my back, holding me close. Maisy burst through the door, then quietly shut it after a gesture from Joshua.

"You have to go," Josh pushed me back and wiped my cheek,

"No I don't want to" I held onto his arm,

"I'll take you to the front, your not going alone." He stood me up and we guided our way from his home through the streets to the castle gates. He knocked on them holding me with one arm. They opened and Mother was standing there with Arthur. I released myself from Josh's grip and ran to cuddle Arthur. He felt so soft and warm in my arms wrapped in his bundles of blankets. I kissed the tip of his nose and he held a strand of my loose hair. I smiled down at his little face, chubby little cheeks.

"Thank you Joshua, for bringing her back," my mother thanked, I turned to give him a warm smile to show I was okay. He smiled back,

"It's in my interests that the princess is safe," he bowed and left.

"Something between you to," my mother came to me, "Are you okay my dear,"

"Is Jack?" I looked at my mother and she shook her head. I covered my mouth to stop me screaming out again. How could this be happening? He was fine... No he wasn't he was hot from time to time and coughed often and rubbed his throat. All this time I was holding life and eventually delivering life, his was slowly diminishing. I went to Jacks room after putting Arthur in his bed to sleep, he was lying pale in his bed holding a letter in his hand.

"Amy, I want you to read this right now if you must, I don't know how long god has given me to spare," I sat by his bedside and took the letter from his hand. The seal snapped and I unfolded it, in Jack's fancy handwriting this was written


My dearest Amelia,

I do not know why this was forsaken for me, but I am glad we had Arthur and I met him for a couple of days. I know he shall be safe an loved throughout his life by family and those who care.

I loved you Amy, but sometimes I felt you loved another. It didn't matter because I saw you everyday, woke next to you before you got to big. Comforted you and bought a life into the world, our son.

This is for Arthur my love for when he is older,

Arthur, I apologise I was ill and I couldn't see you grow up. But I saw you grow into a little baby inside your mother. A joy you shall share one day. For the couple of days I knew you I loved you I hope you grew big and strong like your father, like me.

I love you both with all my heart, and are in my dying memories. Especially you Amy, my Princess Amelia of Alaryiou.


Prince Jackson of Tibina, but please call me Jack x


A tear trickled down my cheek as Jack tried to wipe it, reaching his hand out. Before it got to my face I held it and moved them to his bed. I rubbed my fingers on his hand.

"I love you Jack," I kissed his hand, I moved to his face and kissed him on the lips. He held on with as much strength as he could, and parted. My tear falling on his cheek.

"I love you too Amelia," he breathed, his hand slowly went limp in my hand. His breathing rhythm slowing and eventually stopping, his temperature gradually falling. I sat on the floor, my knees huddled to my chest. Tears streaming silently down my face holding onto his cold hand, still loosely gripped around mine. Mother popped her head round the door and I just looked up at her then back at his face, peaceful and happy. The letter in my other hand.

"Go see Arthur," Mother hugged me round the shoulders, I turned into her and sobbed on her shoulders. Eventually I stood an walked out the door passing my father, the boys were outside the door behind father. I just kept my head low and walked to my room where Arthur was. He was babbling away baby noises, he was completely oblivious to what was going on being a few days old. I went to my closet and brought my darker clothes to the front.

~Five Month Gap~

"Arthur?" I called down the hall, and was replied by cooing. I walked round the corner to see him laying on his belly clapping his hands at the sight of me. Running towards him I picked him up and gently spun in the air, causing him to giggle. Gently I rest him back in my arms.

When Jack died, most of the world went into mourning. I haven't properly come out of it. His funeral was grand and beautiful and we travelled to Tibina for it. I miss him everyday, walking past our wedding portrait in the hall. I hadn't left to the kingdom for the months he has been dead, and barely had audiences, they had given up by the third month. I did wish to see Joshua and Maisy, but for the time I played with Arthur in the Castle.

"Amelia, maybe it's time for you to go out, show Arthur his kingdom." Mother came as Arthur and I just smiled.

"I don't want him hurt," I cradled his head,

"He won't be, you haven't been out for five months now I'm am pushing you out!" Mother found my deep purple cloak which matched my deep purple dress I was wearing, I may be in mourning but I need a slight bit of colour. She helped me wrap Arthur in a little blanket. Reluctantly I left through the gates, Arthur holding on to my side. Walking through people smiled and stopped me to ask of my health and of Arthur's health. Of which I politely replied we were fine, and Arthur was growing well. He tightened his grip ever so often and I would look at him and whomever I was speaking to and I would chuckle. His green and brown eyes would carefully asses everyone.

I was talking to the lady who's little boy I helped over a year ago now and was tapped on the shoulder. Startled I turned and saw Maisy. Her warm smile and brown eyes greeting me.

"Maisy, hello." I smiled, turned to apologise to the lady who smiled and went back to her work.

"Hey, wanna come to ours?" She held her hand out and I took it,

"Of course," I smiled and we giggled, she playfully greeted Arthur who smiled and she awed. She flew open the door, a figure jumped with suprise as she laughed.

"Goodness Maisy, don't do that!" His soft voice spoke. He walked to the door to tickle Maisy and saw me. "Amelia..." He stared and stood. The door was shut behind me. Maisy signalled me to walk around as his head dropped thinking things. I placed Arthur in the capable hands of Maisy and tapped Josh on the shoulder.

"Joshua? You okay?" I wondered and he turned around.

"Yeah, just surprised. I mean it's been five months and I wanted to see you but you refused the audiences and-" he placed his hands on my cheeks. "-I missed you," he kissed me tenderly taking me aback slightly in surprise but I accepted as he parted. Wrapping him in a hug I whispered in his ear,

"I missed you too,"

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