"It does matter though." Jim countered, not wanting a fight.

"No it doesn't."

Jim sat down in front of his computer, and typed a few digits into a search. A pub popped up immediately. Ah, so that's where Seb was. What did he expect, really?

"Okay, don't be back too late." Jim said, smiling, his voice sickly sweet. Sebastian mumbled something in response, which Jim couldn't make out, then hung up. So Jim went to get his shoes on, knowing Seb would stay in the same bar all night otherwise.

So once Jim arrived, he walked up behind Sebastian and put his arms around the taller man. Sebastian didn't react, he just lit another cigarette.

"It's illegal to smoke in here." A man told him. Sebastian stood up, pushing Jim away and turned to face the man.

"Do I really look like I give two fucks if it's illegal?"

Jim put his head in his hands and sighed. Sebastian was always looking for a fight, wasn't he? So now Jim would have to deal with drunk, angry and upset Sebastian.

Seb swung the first punch, and Jim had to admit it was a beautiful punch. The guy punched him back, giving Seb a bloody nose. But Seb knocked the guy to the floor. Jim decided to step in before Sebastian really fucked up.

Jim pulled Sebastian away, pulling him out of the pub. The owner shouted out that Sebastian was banned, not that he cared. He'd just drink somewhere else.

"For fuck sake, Sebastian!" Jim hissed. "Are you trying to get arrested?"

"No! He wouldn't let me smoke!"

"So you decided to fucking assault him?" Jim was angry. He was shouting at Sebastian in the middle of the street. "Do you have any idea how much attention that's going to draw us?"

"Thought you liked the attention?" Seb snorted with laughter. "You do. You love it. You're desperate for it!"

"Sebastian, this isn't funny!" Jim sighed, lowering his voice. "I can't have you fighting like this. We're planning a fucking mass murder, and you're out here drawing attention by fighting. You'll end up being a suspect!"

"Then I'll just lie."

"You're being such an idiot!"

Sebastian slapped Jim across the face, mumbling something about Jim being an annoying git and to just go away.

"Did that make you feel better?" Jim asked, blinking his tears away. "Go on, do it again!"

"No," Seb muttered, beginning to walk away. "I love you, even though you're an annoying cunt."

"You're drunk."

"No, I'm Sebastian."

Jim giggled a tiny bit, because to be fair the last comment was quite funny. But he put a serious face on and grabbed Sebastian by the hand. "We're going home." He told his lover, pulling him along. It took a lot longer to get home, which was down to Sebastian being completely wasted. And Sebastian stopped because he saw a dog and wanted to pet it. Drunk Sebastian was like a child, but more angry. And a lot more sexual, as Jim found out when they finally got home.

The sixth time Jim had to push Sebastian away, he shouted at Seb to fuck off. Sebastian just crawled straight back into Jim's lap, trying to kiss him again. It was pissing Jim off so much, because he wanted to so badly, but Sebastian was drunk and drunk does not equal consent.

Jim had never had a relationship, but he'd had quite a lot of sex. And it was hard to resist Sebastian. He was just so damn perfect.

"I know you want me, Jim..." Sebastian purred in his ear. Jim mentally cursed Sebastian.

"That may well be true, tiger, but you're drunk." Jim said.

"Come on!" Sebastian whined.

"No." Jim told him. "That's final. No means no, but when you sober up a bit, if you still want to, you know where I'll be."

"Fine." Sebastian mumbled, laying his head in Jim's lap. He wanted to sleep. Sleep sounded really good at this point, even though it wasn't even eight in the evening yet. But Sebastian decided that he was going to sleep, and that man could sleep through anything.

Jim didn't really know what to do with himself. It was far too early for him to sleep, and he didn't want to move and disturb Seb. So he grabbed his phone and typed out a text.

[txt] what do you know about Sebastian Moran? -JM

[txt] enough to tell you that he's fucked up. -DK

[txt] what do you mean? -JM

[txt] you'll find out -DK

Jim had no idea what his contact meant by this, but he wasn't going to ask more questions. He wasn't even sure if he wanted to know. It had probably just meant about his past and stuff. Jim didn't care about that. Well, he cared, but it didn't change Seb in his opinion. He saw Seb as brave, strong and absolutely gorgeous.

When Sebastian eventually woke back up, sober, Jim smiled at him. Sebastian looked away, unfortunately remembering everything he'd said and done. He was so embarrassed by his actions. He remembered every single stupid thing, including the fight and trying it on with Jim. He was grateful that Jim had declined all those attempts. After all, he was drunk and he knew that Jim would feel bad about it.

"Mornin' sunshine." Jim joked.

"Don't let me drink." Is all Seb replied. "Or if I do, make sure I don't go out."


"So about the offer you made me last night..." Seb mumbled.

"Tiger, the offer always stands. Unless you're drunk, but asides from that."

"Good. 'Cause I really want you, Jim."

Jim smiled, moving over so he was in Sebastian's lap, with one leg either side. He kissed Seb on the mouth, biting down on the older man's lip. He just knew Seb would be the type of guy to get off on pain. So Jim pushed Sebastian so he was lying on the sofa, and pinned his hands either side of his head. Jim wanted full control. He ground his hips on Sebastian, giving him the biggest hard on.

Jim smirked to himself at the thought of the things he could do to Sebastian.

"Look at you." Jim taunted. "You're stronger than me. You're bigger than me, but here you are, laying underneath me. You want me to control you, it's all you want, isn't it, tiger?"

"Yes!" Sebastian couldn't help but moan.

As Jim fucked Sebastian, he kept pressing kisses to the back of his lover's neck, letting him know that he enjoyed it, and he cared about Seb a lot. Sebastian was digging his nails into the sofa, breathing heavily. It felt so fucking good. It almost sent him over the edge when one of Jim's skilled hands wrapped around his erection.

"Come for me, Tiger." Jim whispered in Seb's ear.

Both men came at the same time, moaning each other's names loudly. Jim pulled away from Sebastian, who just smiled at him. Sebastian didn't know what to say. Jim was definitely the best fuck he'd ever had, no doubt about it.

Sebastian pulled his boss close, like he'd never let go, and pressed a gentle kiss to his forehead.

"I love you, Jim."

"I know. You too."

A/N- apologies for the poorly written smut. I just wanna say thanks to my readers for the support, especially thatdamnprofessor for the support on my message board and the votes.

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