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Over the period of a few days, Sebastian had settled in to Jim's place. The tallies on his gun had gone up to fifty three. He was slowly getting used to Jim's mood swings as well, knowing that if he pissed him off there would be hell to pay. Seb was getting used to living with someone so unpredictable and crazy, that he didn't think anything of it any more.

Sebastian woke up one morning, gasping for air after having a horrible nightmare about something his parents did when he was a child. Jim was standing beside his bed with an amused grin on his face.

"Not funny, bastard." Sebastian snarled.

"Never said it was, sweetie!" Jim gave a smile and turned away. "Anyway, get ready! We've got some work we need to do!"

Sebastian stood up, pushing the dream to the back of his mind. His old therapist had said he dealt with things in an unhealthy way, and she was right. Anything bad, he just decided not to think about it. One day that would cause some problems, but he decided that was an issue for the future.

"So, what's the plan, boss?" Seb asked, growing a shade of red as he realised Moriarty was staring at him. He wasn't sure if it was an intimidating stare, but it was making him uncomfortable. Seb coughed, unsure if he should tell his boss to stop staring. Jim blinked and looked away.

"We've gotta go meet a client. He wants someone killed, I believe."

"Oh. Fair enough. Should I wear anything specific?"

"Just something presentable, maybe a suit? It'll look weird if I'm in a suit and you're in something causal. It'll look really suspicious, and the last thing we need is attention."

"I don't actually own a suit." Seb mumbled. "Never had the occasion to wear one.

"Wait there, I'll be two minutes." Jim said, and walked out of the room.

Sebastian stood by the bad awkwardly, waiting for the shorter man to come back in. He shook his head, not really knowing why. It just seemed like an appropriate thing to do in the situation. Seb was growing fond of the man he was working for, not that he would admit it.

"Here we go!" Jim shouted, a smile on his face as he entered the room. "This should fit!" He handed Seb a black suit with a blue tie. Seb nodded in appreciation, giving Jim a smile of gratitude. He hoped that Jim would leave the room so he could get changed, but he didn't leave. Sebastian smiled uncomfortably, not making eye contact with his boss. Jim's eyes looked at his shirtless body, settling on the sniper's hips.

"Uh... Can you leave so I can get changed please, boss?" Seb mumbled. Jim nodded, leaving the room and closing the door behind him. Once he was changed into the suit, he looked into a mirror, noticing he did look good. He wasn't so sure why he suddenly cared about his appearance too much, or why he wanted to make a good impression on Jim. He just did. It wasn't like being someone's personal sniper was actually that bad.

Seb left the room, hiding a Glock 17 in the inside pocket. He didn't know if he'd even need it, but he figured it was better to have it nonetheless. Jim's eyes were locked on him, giving him that familiar gaze he'd grown accustomed to in the past few days. Seb shook it off, grabbing a bottle of water and taking a sip.

Sebastian's father pushed him to the ground, causing him to cry out in pain. He was scared and alone, just a child. He screamed and screamed until his throat burned. All he could smell was the stench of his dad's alcohol, and now the blood running from his nose. He stayed on the floor, crying to himself long after his father had gone away, crying from the pain of being kicked and hit. Crying because he was nothing and he knew he would never be anything.

Sebastian was shaking slightly, but once again he pushed the nightmare to the back of his mind. He didn't want to think about it. He'd tried to remind himself that his father was dead, but the memories still haunted him every night in his sleep. But if he could push it away when he was awake, then at least he had the control he desired of his own mind.

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