Sophie grabbed Cohan's other hand and Keefe's hand with her other while he held onto Adin. Complicated? Yes. That's what happens when you have a big family.

"Siltan Hills!" Keefe tells out to their Leapmaster 10,000. Juniper liked visiting places, but she had no idea why she would want to go to 10,000 of them.

The most important place right now is her best friends house which was where they were traveling to. The Scencen family reappeared in front of a castle-like home, larger than Everglen.

Juniper liked that water ran through the house adding to the calm environment it created. Juniper's best friend, Harlow, is a hydrokenetic like her mother, Lihn Vacker.

Although her enemy was also her best friends older brother. And to add to that, he was a telepath. Which Juniper did not like.

Juniper stared at the huge castle-like house with admiration for a second before walking inside to the reception hall. The party being held was a celebration for Lihn being named Official Atlantis Supervisor.

Juniper and her family split up throughout the house, minds occupied with their own business. Of course Sophie reminded them that if they saw their Aunt Lihn, they should congratulate her.

Juniper set throughout the house with a hundred rooms, and counting, to find Harlow. 'Harlow is probably in the kitchen' Juniper thinks, making her way there.

Juniper came here almost every single day and Harlow and her still managed to find new hallways filled with the most bizzar things in the room.

Once, they found a room filled from top to bottom with water. To make it worse, it was filled with aquatic animals from the Forbidden Cities. Never opening that door ever again.

Juniper did find Harlow in the kitchen as usual with a tray of Ripplefluffs. They nodded to each other in greetings and shared the tray.

"There's way too many people here for my liking. I mean I'm proud and happy for my mom but she's too popular and has way too many friends." Harlow rants.

Juniper nods in agreement. "There's got to be at least a thousand elves in the reception hall. It's so big, I'm pretty sure my house could fit in there." Juniper replied.

Harlow suggested they go to her room and Juniper agreed. "I'm just gonna grab a drink. Meet you there?" Juniper asked. Harlow nodded and plunged into the crowd that was in front of the series of hallways leading to her room.

As Juniper closed the cabinet after not finding a drink, she turned around to be face to face with her enemy, Preston Vacker.

"Juniper." He simply said. "Preston." Juniper retorted back. "Where is my sister?" He asked.

Juniper sighed, too tired with him already to say anything and room off towards Harlow's room with Preston in tow after motioning him to follow.

Preston Vacker is Harlow's older brother. He is telepath and has teal eyes which he got from his dad, Fitz Vacker. He is 1 year ahead of Juniper and Harlow who were in level 4.

Everyone thought that their arguments were always them flirting. The reason: they never realized the compliments they gave each other if they read in between the lines.

Juniper's stomach started to feel really weird along with her feelings. Her dad gave her the ability to feel others emotions without making contact with them but normally, she could keep it under control.

She started to feel mushy, especially towards Preston. 'What is this feeling?' She wondered, still finding her way through the crowd.

Distracted, Juniper tripped over some elf's dress and was sent tumbling down. Almost. Preston had grabbed her hand at the last moment and Juniper finally realized.

The feeling she was getting was from Preston. He liked her. But she didn't know how she felt. Did she like him? Was he still her enemy? Of course he was. Or was he ever her enemy?

Juniper was pulled up to her feet by Preston but she clumsily fell into his arms with their bodies pressed together due to the large crowd.

Are you okay? Preston transmits. Juniper looks up at him due to her short height of 5"1. I'm fine Juniper managed not to stutter.

Now that she thought about it, Juniper never really knew how or when Preston and her became enemies. Was it over something? Or was it just their natural instincts telling them?

Can I ask you something? Preston transmits. Juniper nods slowly, still aware that they were pressed very closely against each other.

Her father would kill Juniper for this if he ever found out. Then her grandfather would bring her back alive just to kill her again and she'd be 10x over dead.

Have... you ever thought about our 'rivalry'? Like how it formed or why? Preston transmits, carefully choosing his words. Juniper shakes her head shyly.

Well, not until now. Why do you ask? She transmits back. Preston shrugs. Well, I've been thinking about it for a while now. And I know we literally have forever but then I don't think I'd ever be able to do what I'm going to do now. Preston replies.

And what are you going to do? Juniper asks cautiously. Can... I.. kiss you? Preston asks shyly. Juniper could see the faintest tint of blush on his cheeks as he asked.

And oddly enough, Juniper found it cute. Even more odd for her, Juniper nodded. Preston leaned down as she leaned up and their lips met.

The kiss was slow and blissful. It made Juniper's stomach erupt with excitement. But eventually, they had to pull away from one another.

They leaned against each other, being pushed and crushed by the crowd but neither cared. They had just had the best moment of their lives and both would remember it well.

Juniper looked up at Preston as he looked down at her with a smile on their faces. "Will you go out with me?" He asks. Juniper's smile turns bigger as she nods, feeling heat crawl up her neck and spread onto her cheeks.

Then Juniper realizes something. "Wait. My dad and grandfa-" Juniper starts but Preston put a finger on her lips. He chuckles at the sight of Juniper's face growing even more red with blush.

"Don't worry. I told you, I've been thinking about this for a while now." Preston reassures her. "How long is a while?" Juniper asks.

"Almost a year. And it was spent thinking of you."

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