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23.37 p.m, Mike's POV.

"Shhhhh! Don't be so loud! She could hear us!"

She laughs silently and shakes her head, I turn to her closing the door behind me.

"I really don't think she will, she's having a conversation with someone really important to her, and I'm supposed to be here to distract you from that." She giggles and leans in, I look into those deep green eyes and move some of her hair to a side of her face so I can apreciate them better. She smirks and gets even closer, till we can feel each other's breath. My heart's beating so freakin' fast. She drives me insane. Her face goes next to mine and places her mouth between my left ear and my neck, almost kissing it with every word she says.

"So, what do you think? Am I making it right? Am I good at it?" Are you distracted?"

23.23 p.m, Emily's POV.

I look around the house to find Sarah and tell her to be careful with my brother because I think he's a bit drunk, I don't want him to throw up on her shoes or something like that, she'll hate me forever...but I can't find her or Mike, so I guess they'll be already together in the studio, she's doing her part. Now I have to do mine.

I take a deep breath, grab two cans of beer, draw a chill smile on my face and walk towards Jack, luckily for me he is watching my vinyls, so I have something to talk about. He looks at me when I'm next to him and smiles, I hand him the can and he nods, taking it.

"Hey Emily, happy birthday. It's a nice house of yours, and these here are pretty interesting, does your father collect them?" I chuckle and look down. "Thanks! Actually those uhmm" I look at the vinyls and then at him, I hate this moment, why can't I control myself? He's so handsome, I can't take this. I cough a little. "Th-those are mine, yeah." I rub my arm, he opens his eyes widely and a smile that melts me inside appears on his face. "Really?! Woah, that's awesome, your taste in music is amazing. Not so many people listen good old music at our age" he nods and I giggle. "Well thanks, my brother gave me all this through the years, some of them were his, that's pretty cool, he knows a lot about music. These here are the first ones he gave me but I have like, I don't know, maybe another 20 vin-" "20 more?! Oh wow, can- can I see them? Maybe listen to them? That's so cool, I mean, I don't know why we don't talk that much, you always seemed interesting to me. And now you just confirmed it." Sarah you're such a genious, you are doing great, I just want you to keep doing it another couple of hours, and my heart will be yours forever. "We can go now and listen some of them, it's in my room, upstairs. It's great to know someone to share cool music with besides my brother or my best friend." I roll my eyes and we laugh. "I understand you so bad. And yeah, I'd like to go to you room" he takes a sip from the can of beer at the same time I raise an eyebrow and smile. As he sees me, his face turns red inmediatly and coughs. "I-I mean, to go there and listen to the v-I didn't mean anyth-I-" he shuts his eyes and lift his head, takes a deep breath and looks at me again. "I'm sorry." I laugh and shake my head. "Don't worry, I know what you meant. Let's go." He nods and we both walk to the stairs, leaving 30 people behind.

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