“I’m not telling you not to date. You can fuck whoever you want,” I scoffed. “I just think that it’s unfair to ignore me because a prettier girl like Andrea is around. We can still be friends but I don’t even think you want that.”

“Cassie, you’ve changed a lot,” he muttered. “Andie isn’t prettier than you,” he looked at me sincerely.

“Good to know.”

“Cassie, you can’t be mad. You need to understand that I’m not leaving you. I love you but I need to get over you. We just, we’re not ‘meant to be’ or whatever.” He used air quotes and I groaned loudly.

“Great Calum! I get it, okay? It’s not only hard on you!” I was fuming. I knew I was taking out all of my anger on Calum and it wasn’t fair so I took a deep breath. “Sorry. Just forget it, okay? I get it. You’ve got her. I’ve got Parker.”

He bit his bottom lip to try to keep himself from saying whatever he wanted to and nodded. We watched each other in the hallway for a few seconds longer before he turned and went down the stairs. I watched him and went into my room, putting on a pair of jeans and brushing my hair, taking my phone and it’s charger downstairs where I made a show of plugging it in to the boys.

“We get it,” Luke whined as I laughed at him. When our food came, we ate like nothing had happened and like they hadn’t come to me freaking out about an hour ago. We watched a movie that was on television, before the boys decided they should go and actually have band practice.

I walked them to the door, pouting. I stood on my tip toes and kissed each of their cheeks in thanks for being so sweet and caring so much. I had been a bitch when they first got here, but I really did appreciate their concern. These boys were amazing. I kissed Calum's cheek last, and thought nothing of the car pulling up on my street. My lips lingered for a few seconds on his cheek, before I stood back at my normal height and gave him a sad smile.

I loved Calum. I know I did. No one had ever cared for me as much as him, or made me feel as good as he did. Even with everything he now knew about me, he didn't treat me differently. He was the most amazing person I had ever met, and was nothing but caring and selfless. I wanted to kiss him, and tell him that Parker and I were over, and I wanted it to be true. But instead I hugged him tightly, and buried my face into his chest. 

"Do you want to come to practice, Cassie?" Ashton's voice came from behind us. Calum get his arm around my waist as I looked at the boys. I was going to reply, but a voice from behind the boys made me shut my mouth.

"What the actual fuck?" Calum's arm immediately dropped from my waist.

"It's not what it looks like, holy shit," Calum ran his fingers through his hair, approaching the dark haired girl now standing before us. Sam stood beside Andrea, looking around awkwardly.

"What the hell Calum? I thought you liked me! And you have a boyfriend!" She shouted, pointing at me. "I'm sure he'd like to know you're here kissing Calum!"

"I kissed his cheek! And theirs," I motioned to the boys. "I was thanking them!"

"For what? Fucking you because no one else will?"

"Rae!" Sam's voice shrieked, and Andrea turned to glare at her.

"That's what it is right? You're whoring around? I wouldn't be surprised," she scoffed. I knew she was angry, but I wish she wouldn't say stuff like that.

"Andie, she was just thanking us for checking up on her," Calum put his hand on her arm. She frowned and looked at him. God, she was pretty. Even when she was angry and wanted to kill me, she was pretty.

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