Chapter 10: Finale Pt.2

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Will things all work out in the end?

That is a rhetorical question Aiza definitely has the answer for. 

After all dust settled, the shine of a new start can be seen clear as day. Brahms finally combed out his strands of feeling between Aiza and Greta. Aiza finally forgave Brahms after weeks of washing the dishes.

So yes, everything will work out in the end.

Well, it depends. 

Alec spent the rest of his life in prison, paying for his actions. Honestly, a prison might be the best place for him anyways.

With the help of Aiza's amazing friends, Brahms was able to receive a new identity. He can finally live under the light again. Of course, the main reason to get one is for their big wedding day coming up.

Both have been through way too much for their share. They deserve a happily ever after.

Aiza insisted that they must wait until wedding day to hit the last base. So at the very same night of the wedding, a very sexually unsatisfied Brahms finally got his way. Aiza couldn't leave the bed for a while after that. 

Even though there are a few bumps here and there, Aiza and Brahms managed to creat their own family and pass on the family story of their  adventures love journey.

There is not much to say here but that their journey ends here, but their legends will infinitely live on.

Youzi Cha's corner
Lemme preface this by saying how sorry I am for dragging on the ending for this long.
This is all the result of mixing procrastination, laziness, and school together.
: ( Im sorry
But there you go! At last!
Btw: I will be starting a new story soon! It's summer! So I finally have time!

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