Chapter 3.5 Brhams

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Greta left me.

I thought she would always be with me, she promised me, so why didn't she? It must be this man who always come by my house. He stole Greta from me. I must get rid of him.

It wasn't until Greta drove the sharp object into my stomach when I finally realized......Greta doesn't love me. It pierced me, but I didn't feel the pain of my skin being torn, instead I felt my heart being pierced through. It hurts.

I was furious, but more over hurt. Greta thought she must have killed me, but I'm just too tired to move. I lost Mother and Father, and now Greta is leaving me as well, what have I done to deserve this?

After I heard the truck pulling away in a crazed manner, I went back down to the side living room. I gathered my "body" and pieced them together. I left it on the living room chair and left the house. I have to leave this place; I can't breathe in there.

After treating my wounds, I wondered into the forest and stayed for a few weeks, I don't know exactly how long, but I would circle back to the estate and steal a glance every-so-often. I survived on little animals and river water until one day I decided to go back. The mansion seemed a bit different from the last time I visited it......I don't feel the heaviness in the air anymore. Excited and confused, I slipped through the back entrance and into my little secret passage ways inside the mansion.

Immediately I noticed that someone had moved in. Upset, I went into the kitchen and grabbed a knife, then slowly made my way to the master bedroom. Nobody else knows the mansion better than I do, so locating the intruder took no effort. I slowly crept out of the closet from the passage and maneuvered into the room. My eyes scanned the familiar and yet foreign room, finally resting my sight on a girl sinking in an ocean of pillows.

"...Greta?" I subconsciously whispered, although I'm not quite sure if it is her, since her whole face was covered.

"I knew you wouldn't leave me."

"I knew you would come back."

"Never leave me alone again.....Greta."

The strange thing is, the more I repeated, the stranger I felt, as if I'm making a mistake. She must be Greta, right? Who else would've came here? So it is Greta. For sure.

How dare she come back? I clutched the knife hard and raised it above her, aiming for a fatal strike; she must pay for what she have done. But before I could lower it, memories flashed before me: Greta feeding 'me', Greta singing and reading to 'me', Greta hugging 'me' and kissing 'me' good night........

I withdrew the knife and stepped back. One more chance, I told myself, I will give her one more shot.

I went down stairs and found the clipboard, placing it in a obvious place on the dinner table, I sat and wait for the sun to rise.

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I tensed up at the sound of humming. She's awake. A mixture of fear and excitement flooded over me; I must hide.

From my view behind the cabinet door, a young female skipped into the kitchen, I was surprised--she's not Greta! I decided to stay put for a bit longer and watch her closely. She read the clipboard of rules and was expectedly confused. That's when I decided to strike. I silently hovered over her and placed my knife on her soft looking neck.

She was scared, but quickly composed herself, which was pretty impressive. I have made up my mind to play a game with her, she seems interesting. Of course, I didn't miss the disgust in her eyes as she stepped away from me. I don't care about appearance that much, so I must have looked awful. I advanced towards her but what she did next I did certainly not expect: she took my hand and led me into the bathroom.

So her name is Aiza. I slowly shaped the word in my mouth: Aiza.

She asked if I knew how to take a bath; of course I know how to, but in that instance, I want to trick her. So I pretended that I don't know anything, watching her helpless expression made me smile a bit. The sensation of my facial muscles moving felt so foreign, I haven't smiled in years. This girl is special, even more special than Greta.....she can make me human again.

Her voice pulled my back to reality; she asked if I can take off my mask. A wave of insecurity washed over me, she seems like a girl who care a lot about appearances--I haven't seen myself in years so I don't know what I look like--I can't have her see me. Luckily she gave up on the idea.

As I showered, I wanted to tease her more, but her eyes kept staring straight ahead, so I had to pause the plan for now. Washing my hair with a porcelain mask on is not a pleasant thing to do, I've learned. Right after the shower, Aiza started to shave my beard, she lifted up the mask a bit, but as if sensing my nervousness, she didn't push it.

Seeing her completely focused, I slowly put my hands on her waist. She's soft, I liked the sensation. Aiza jumped a little when she found out and her face flushed red, it was all a sight to see. It made me want to see more reaction out of her. I want her to focus all her attention on me. She's mine. No one can take her from me.

Nothing else happened today, minus the fact that I went completely clothe-less in front of Aiza, as expected, her reactions are all adorable. She seemed really surprised when I kicked down the door, what she don't know was that my parents signed me up for martial arts when I was little, and I never gave up exercising my body, so I'm still fit enough for a mere door.

After diner, Aiza tucked me in and I demanded a good night kiss from her. As I feel the pressure of the kiss, I suddenly regret that I have the mask on. It can feel the kiss, but I can't. Aiza left after that, and right after she closed the door, I leaped up from the bed.

I opened the lamp for light source and sat down in front of a dresser mirror. I took off the mask. The face under the mask surprised me. To be all honest, I don't look too bad, minus the missed spots of moustaches who escaped the razor when shaving. I went and get the razor and deleted them off my face for good.

Satisfied with the result, I open a secret entrance behind the drawer and visited Aiza once more before heading to sleep. I look forward to living with her. Forever.

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