Chapter 5: My Fragments

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The next day was per as usual, nothing really "exciting" happened. I felt relieved, but at the same time a bit disappointed as Brahms acted like nothing had happened. What should I do?

As I stare at him mopping the wooden living room floor, a task I taught him how to do, my mind spaced out to my first kiss.
I was in high school, the place where many described as a living hell, as how I would have compared it too.

I was not a social person, I never went to parties and gatherings, but that one time I gave in to my friends begging, I met the man who changed my life. Alec.

The moment our eyes met, we knew that something was supposed to happened between us. And sure it did. Just not the way how I imagined it to be.He was the perfect man in my dreams: bushy eyebrows, beautiful green eyes, a tall built body, and a loving smile. I thought that this is it, he's the one; but little did I know what was about to happen.

We shared our first kiss on the grass under the starry sky, it was every girl's dream. Everything was going well until I felt the spark between us dimmed. Sure, he was, and still is, a charming guy, but I did not appreciate the constant texting and confrontation that goes on in a daily basis. He always questions my feelings towards him, even though I assured him many times that I really love him. I'm sure he could feel that I'm getting tired from all this.

One day, as I was walking home from the grocery store, a truck with tinted windows started following me. I was pretty nervous, so I started looking at my phone to distract me, but I still kept an eye on the suspicious car.


It was a message from an unknown number. Anxiously, I tapped it open and let out a gasp of terror. I was a picture of me. Not just any picture, it was taken from my back, from the angle of the truck. I glanced over my shoulder and, to my horror, the truck is now uncomfortably close to me.


Another text appeared. It read: "I love the way your hair flows through the wind, can't wait until I grab a hold of them." Without thinking much I dialed Alex's number and started running to the nearest shop. He picked up asking what's wrong as he heard me panting. I cried for him to come picked me up as I was followed by a stalker in a truck who knew my phone number. Honestly, I never expected that this kind of thing would happen to me.

Alec got anxious as well and promised that he'll be with me in 3 minutes. As I hid in the gas station store, I watched as the truck circled the place and drove off. I breathed a sigh of relief. Alec bursted through the store doors only moments later. I ran into his extended arms and silently cried a bit. He hugged me tight and whispered that everything will be alright.  At that moment, I felt safe.

After that eventful night, our status returned to the time when we first met. I felt like that he was my knight in shining armor.

I still get occasional creepy messages from the weirdo claiming all the terrible things he will do to me, and that I better stay close to my guard dog boyfriend. I often ignored them as they don't pose a legitimate threat. Well, that what I thought, again. As Alec and I grew apart again, the creeper acted out his moves. I would get creepy gifts delivered to my doorstep and carvings at the side of my window outside. This went on for sometime, I lived in fear everyday, fearing that he will get me and execute all the things he promised to do.

I went to take self-defense lessons and learned how to handle a gun. I felt more secure but still had constant paranoia.

But then fate hit me like a rocket.

That weekend I decided to spend at Alec's house because his parents won't be home. We had a fun time, fooling around and watching our favorite movies. As he went to get pizza from the store, I went to his room and planted myself on his comfy bed. My foot kicked something hard and I sat up to investigate. It was a phone under one of his pillow. Curious, I pressed it open. There's was a passcode, and against my better judgments, I took a wild guess and surprisingly, I got it open. It was my birthday date. This phone was definitely not Alec's phone, because I've never seen it, so whose could it be?

Despite the thought at the back of my head judging me as a rude person putting my nose in other people's business, my curiosity got the best of me. Plus he's my boyfriend.

The first thing I noticed was that the background picture was me, hm, that's strange. I went into photos and discovered that the entire album was me. And they're taken without me noticing. Confused, I flipped through the pictures until I recognized some familiar ones. Like the one where it was taken from behind, on the street close to my house. It was the picture the stalker guy had taken of me.

My palms began to sweat as a thought began forming in my head. I went to the direct messages and there was only one on-going conversation. I opened it. And there it was, all the words that haunted me for the past year and a half of my life.

Alec is the crazy stalker.

My breathing quickened, all of a sudden everything made sense. Alec didn't want us to end so he used this method of sticking me to him. I made sure to close the phone and return it the same place where I had found it. I felt sick. My body jumped as I hear the front door open and Alec yelling "I'm back! Ready for a round two of Netflix?" I quickly composed myself and replied "Yeah, just lemme go to the bathroom real quick". He said okay and I went straight in.

By the time I walked out I had everything under control; I had texted my bestie telling her to give me a call five minutes later saying that I must go to her house for something really important. And that's what happened. Alec agreed and gave me a peck before I left, I nearly shit myself and tried not to look panicked as I walk out his house and drove home.

Long story short, after a few weeks, when we finally graduated from high school, I broke up with him over the phone. It wasn't pretty. But I have had enough.

The few years of university went well, until at the same day when I graduated, Alec unexpectedly went to the graduation party and kidnapped me after drugging my drink. I undermined his obsession and determination towards me and this broken relationship. That time of my life I'd rather not mention. But at the end, he was caught and was sent to jail for 3 years along with all the illegal things he was into. And I lived my life freely for 3 years. Until my bestie from high school caught wind that Alec was recently released and is looking for me. And that's how I ended up here in this rural town in England where the birds don't even want to shit in.

I felt strong arms circling my waist form behind and a furry head sitting itself on my right shoulder. "Aiza, what are you thinking? You look so immersed." Brahms breathed in my sensitive ear. I shuddered, resulting a deep laughter from him. Brahms then kissed my nape and proudly announced that he had finished his chores.

I looked at him with a complicated expression, is he the same? Well he be the same? If not, then maybe, just maybe, I should give it try...? After all these years of standing alone, maybe I need some arms that could hold me. I'm truly exhausted, and his embrace feels really comfy.

Brahms, please don't let me down.

Author's lil ramble
Sorry for the late update (this sounds familiar), I'm still alive
hmmmmmmmmm did Aiza just fell in love with Brahms? In 4 days?!?! Love comes when it comes my fellows
Thank y'all so much for sticking with me and supporting me, love yallllllll

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