I started looking around the shelves. All the covers looked real pretty, but there was one book that caught my eye when I saw the title. It was a bright yellow book that was a little thicker then the other books, the cover read, "Dealing With Pregnancy, A Guide to Childbirth for Dads". I turned the pages to the table of contents and read each chapter title with my finger. I stopped at the chapter, "Mood Swings" and read though some of the first paragraph. "Your wife may have some mood swings during the first trimester of her pregnancy and again at her third trimester. One of the main reasons for her mood swings is the change of her hormone levels. She can be tearful at the smallest things and can also be easily irritated." 

"Hey, what are you reading, Naruto?" 

I jumped up and looked behind me. "Jeez Iruka-sensei! Don't surprise me like that!"

He laughed, "Are you going to buy a book? That's a surprise."

"What's so surprising but reading a book? I can read if I wanna, y'know!"

"Well, okay. But I'm going to go now. I forgot I had to go back to the school and do a few things." He started heading for the exit, "Oh, and don't forget to apologize to Hinata!" 

"Yeah, yeah I know. See you later, Iruka-sensei. Thanks." 

After he went out of the shop I turned over to look at the book again. I looked at the cover, the back of the book, and flipped its pages. This was probably the first time I was considering buying a book. It'd be really useful if I get it, and it's a good price, 1,000 yen. I went over to the cashier.

I set down the book on the cashier table. "Hey . . . Excuse me, but can I get this book?"

The cashier got up from his stool, "Oh if it isn't the famous war hero of the Leaf!"

I cracked a forced laugh, "yeah that's me."

"That'll be 1,000 yen." He paused and looked over at the cover of the book. "A pregnancy book? Is it for the Huuga Princess?"

I gave him the money, "yeah its for Hinata—wait how do you know who my wife is?!" 

"Why wouldn't I know? Everyone in the village knows the Leaf's famous two lovebirds! Oh, and do you want a bag with that?"

"Ah . . . that's right. Nah, I'm okay, thanks. " 

"Alright, have a nice day then."

I started walking to the exist, "yeah, you too."

I was heading home now, with the book in my hand. I didn't know if Hinata was still mad at me, but if she was I'd just tell her I was sorry and hopefully she'd let this go. I couldn't let something like this break us down, we were already married, and we still had a long way to go together, there were more arguments to come, but we'd have to try our best to forgive each other. 

It was probably around five by then. I'd been with Iruka-sensei for about an hour. Damn it. If I stay out any only longer Hinata will really hate me. I have to hurry home. 

After the long walk home, I was finally on the street to our house. As I came up though, I saw a familiar figure I knew too well. I saw Hinata, crying and calling out my name.

I ran up to her, "Hinata!"


I pulled her to my chest and hugged her tight, "what's wrong, Hinata?

She looked up at me. Her eyes and nose were so red, it was probably from wiping her tears too many times. "I—I thought y—you hated me, I couldn't f—find you anywhere. After I c—cleaned the kitchen, I started to make lunch, and a—after that I called you out to e—eat, but you weren't there. I looked a—all around the h—house and I c—couldn't find you. And just n—now I started to call your n—name out here. I—I'm sorry I got mad, I don't know w—why I a—acted like that. I'm s—sorry . . . N—Naruto-kun . . . please f—forgive me."

I stroked her hair gently. "It's okay Hinata, I'm sorry too. I just went out because I thought you needed some space. Please forgive me too for making you all worried." She smiled at me, I wiped her tears away with my thumb. "Its okay Hinata, I'm here now. Please stop crying. Everything's okay." She nodded at me and took a deep breath to even her breathing.

I broke our embrace and held her hand, "Okay, lets go inside now."

After we ate the porridge that Hinata made earlier, I took a bath. I kind of wanted to take a bath with her, but she already took a bath that morning. It made me pout and a little disappointed.

After I came out of the bathroom I went to our bedroom, I saw Hinata reading her book. She had her hair behind her ear, and she looked so focused. It was cute.

"You still reading the book, Hinata? How far have you gotten?"

"Oh, I'm on chapter nine."

"How many chapters are there again?"

"There's fifteen."

"Then can you tell me how the of rest story went?"

She giggled, "sure."

She told me the rest of the story, her eyes glowed as she explained how it went. Soon enough we fell asleep, I held her tight in my arms, with my chest on her back, engulfing her in my warmth.

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