Chapter 5: Truths, Lies, and Plans

Start from the beginning

"Yes, sir, father, sir!" He stood at attention, chest puffed, with a salute. Earning an annoyed sigh from his father Hermes broke into a fit of giggles.

"Just- just go tell Demeter and Hecate I need them before dawn."

"Need them for what?"

"Just do your job!" he snapped. "I am not in the mood!"

Hermes, knowing full well when to stop, took a few laps around the throne room before flying out where he came in.

"Why do I employ him, again?" Zeus asked the empty room. Hebe, who was standing in the corner and remembered the day clearly, decided not to respond.


Hermes flew from the room and out into the open air. Crisp, clear. It tasted better than ambrosia. His satchel was empty, save a few small snacks, and his chopped off hair was tied back as best as it allowed.

Going to see Demeter meant seeing Persephone- hopefully. He knew how she hid. He wasn't sure why, but her secrets were her own. Maybe he could sneak a wave on his flyby.

I wonder what that letter meant, he thought. Hades hadn't sealed the note. In his book that meant it was fair game.

What was going to happen in the morning? It involved Demeter and Hecate, he could guess that much. Oh well. He dove, swallowing a mouthful of cloud on his way down.


Persephone and Minthe had made it back home in record time the night before. She was fine then. A little jumpy from the experience, but fine. Today she found herself in a panic.

She circled the boundaries of the room, crying at anything willing to listen. Minthe, sitting cross-legged on a rock, was uncharacteristically calm.

"This isn't good. This isn't good. He was there. Why was he there?"

"Because he's the god of travelers and decided to travel?"

"But why there? What good is that piss poor town to him? There has to be a bajillion places better than that place! What other gods were there, and we didn't know-"

"No one. Kore, you're hysterical."

Persephone stopped in her tracks to turn and yell at her directly. "Why wouldn't I be?! Hermes is the damn messenger of the gods! He speaks to my father directly. What makes you think he wouldn't say anything to him? And what stops him from telling mother?!"

"Because he delivers notes, not secrets. The man invented lying, I think he'll keep a secret."

"And when he doesn't?!" The ground cracked and tore under her anger. Whatever plants were unlucky enough to be in the immediate area withered and died. It was like the very life was sucked from them. The pupils of her red eyes expanded into an unnatural pattern, consuming the color.

Minthe did little to react. "Kore," she warned. "Look at your feet."

Slowly she came to her senses enough to listen. Fists tightened to the point that blood ran from her palms. Teeth clenched so hard they threatened to crack. But, when she looked at the ground it all disappeared. It turned to fear.

"Oh Styx. Oh Styx. Oh Styx. Oh Styx. Oh Styx-" she repeated.

"Kore, I promise you no one else knows. And Hermes isn't going to tell. But you need to calm down, otherwise someone is going to ask questions."


Minthe took a few careful steps towards the angry goddess. "Persephone," she cooed. "Persephone take a breath." She did the action herself, showing her friend how to do it.

Persephone took a shaky breath. And another. A third and she felt the knot in her stomach loosen. Minthe wrapped her arms around her friend, though she didn't return her embrace.

"Shh, shh," she cooed. "It's alright. Just breath." Minthe rubbed soothing circles onto her back as Persephone cried into her shoulder.

"I-I can't lose this," she sobbed.

"I know. I know. You won't. I promise." Minthe pulled back and took her face in her hands. "The next shift is Chloe's, alright? You know what that means." Persephone nodded, biting her lip to stop the sobs. "Take one more deep breath for me," she did. "Now fix up the ground and we'll get you cleaned up."

Persephone looked down at the damage around her. It had actually spread during their conversation. Plants in every direction were withered, dead, or completely dust. Even the trees that made up the walls were rotting from the inside out. It took quite a bit of energy to undo the damage. But, when it was done Demeter would be none the wiser.

Minthe took her wrist and led her carefully to one of the wider spots of the river. There, Persephone got in, dress and all. It soaked up the water like a sponge and weighed down the light fabric. Minthe scrubbed her hair and face with an old rag, gray from use, and flowers for fragrance.

Her skin, rubbed raw, had a painful shine to it. She felt sticky despite there was nothing to make her so. Even the natural oils of her face were washed away with the tears.

When Minthe was done Persephone let her emotions take control. The anger, the fear, the loneliness. 

The emptiness. 

The torrent of emotions that caused tears. It all folded in on her, as did the form of the young woman. She felt small, insignificant. Her actions were left unnoticed. Her words meant nothing. She brought nothing to the world.

Minthe scooped up the eight-year-old Kore and carried her to bed. Demeter would be here soon, disguised as Chloe. She thought it best to let Kore pretend to sleep. It was better than forcing her to pretend everything was fine. Who knows, maybe she would sleep.


Demeter walked in under her guise. It was perfect in every way- only Hermes ever managed to look through it. Lavender skin instead of the normal dark tone, bright purple hair to match. It was her and Kore's favorite color.

Her precious innocence was curled up in a ball, asleep. That whore of a nymph standing over her- why did she keep her around? More importantly: why was she still here?! Kore is hers- mine- why is that wailing bitch still here?!

"Minthe," she all but seethed. The nymph in question looked up to see Chloe watching. She shot up, standing at attention. "What are you still doing here?" Her voice was dripping with honey- sickeningly sweet. The only thing that would make Chloe any less terrifying was if she sprouted horns and fangs. The Chimera would be kinder.

Minthe bowed her head in respect. "I was just tucking young Kore in. Lots of running today, Miss. She ran herself out."

Demeter smiled inwardly at her daughter's joy. Then she remembered that she was not present to share the memory- that whore was.

Minthe gulped at the low growl that escaped her lips. "I'll- I'll just be leaving, now. I am sure you can take things from here."

Yes, I can. The goddess wanted nothing more than to tear the nymph asunder. Send her back to that horrid river she spawned from. Perhaps she would come back pretty, instead of the slime that stood before her.

Still, she put on a still too sweet smile and followed her out. Demeter made sure she wouldn't return for the night- forever if she could find the strength. It was like something held her back from cutting the girl out entirely.

Chloe kneeled next to Kore's sleeping form and stroked her hair. "My little flower," she cooed. "My precious, lovely, child. So innocent. My innocent."

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-Al the Rogue

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