Eternal Flame - End

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As the two brothers arrived at the Home of the Gods, they immediately marched through the shining rainbow of Bifröst right to the throne room. They didn't care about the bittersweet feeling of returning home, nor about the familiar faces, voices, places. They were on a mission, and nothing could stop them.

Thor single-handedly pushed away anyone who tried to get into their way. Their numbers were small though, because the blond prince had Mjöllnir in his hand, and fire in his eyes and people of Asgard feared him in a moment like this. They knew it's better not to cross his way right now.
Behind him walked the broken, and tortured looking Loki, with a small woman in his arms. As he was carrying you, he wondered how light you became. Like as life was slowly leaving your body, it lifted up its weight as well. He shook this thought off his head and fastened his pace behind Thor.

They entered the golden halls of the royal palace and walked through various corridors and stairs until they reached the entrance of the throne room. Its golden doors rose high above their heads like giants took it in its place, with ancient symbols carved into it. Thor pushed the gates open and walked up to the throne with his brother right behind him.

There he sat straight in all his might on the high, golden throne: Odin, the All-father. The king of the Gods, Master of the Runes and Ruler of Asgard. His only eye was strictly scanning his sons, while his face showed annoyance. When he finally spoke, his voice clanged into their ears like thunder:

"How dare you to come back here after all you've done? And top of it, why did you bring this creature here? Do you want to see Asgard finally burn?" he narrowed his eye at Loki.

"Leave now, and take Surtur's bastard away, before I throw you back into your prison!"

"Listen to me, you old fool! I'm not here for you, and I don't care about Asgard either! I am here to..." Loki started with anger growing inside him fast, but Thor placed a calming hand on his shoulder, then stepped ahead:

"Father, please hear me out. Loki came back with me with a reason. We need to save this woman, I promise she means no harm to our kingdom," he looked at Odin with entreating eyes.

"He fooled you too, my son? Have you lost your mind? We have nothing to do with Surtur's kin, even better if she's dead! Don't you know the old legends? That one day Surtur burns down our world? This can be easily her too." Odin seemed cold and dangerous like a thousand years old mountain rising above the tiny people in front of him. His mind was made of iron, and it was hard to change.

"Father, she means no harm! We need her, because..." Thor gave Loki a meaningful look. When he nodded, he continued. "Because she loves Loki. And Loki cares about her too. We need to save her. Mother would want it too." Something ran across Odin's expressionless face at the mention of her long-gone wife. He leaned forward in his throne without a word, like considering what he'd heard.

"Look, I won't ask you to help me because I love her since I know you never really cared about me. I ask you to think about it as making a new ally. She's the rightful heir of Muspelheim. Won't it be good to have her on your side, if Surtur and Ragnarök comes?" Loki stepped ahead with your almost fully lifeless body in his arms. Now his face was rather calculating and canny than sad and worried. A mischievous half-smile appeared on his thin lips.

There was a tough moment of silence as father and son were eyeing each other like wolves before a fight. Finally, it seemed like Loki's silver tongue did the job again, as Odin rose from the throne:

"I know exactly what you have in that twisted mind of yours. And if it wasn't for Frigga, I'd throw you in jail right now. But god, I'd never hear the end of it if I meet her in Valhalla. So go, save your lady. You know where to find the Eternal Flame. But if she turns into a monster, I will slay her without question, and banish both of you. Now if you'll excuse me..." He rose from his throne and left the room without looking back at his sons. Maybe he didn't want them to see the small smile on his face. Deep inside he was proud of his troubled son finally finding his way. Maybe Frigga was right when she saw something in him...

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