30 (last part)

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When I woke up I didn't see Finn in bed. Which at this point is not normal. I got up and put my hair up cause I didn't wanna deal with it. I walked around the trailer.

No Finn. I went outside. No Finn. Went into his trailer. No Finn. Where the heck is this kid?  I asked myself as I scratched my head. I headed into the big building and into the cafeteria and everyone was in there.

They never serve breakfast. We usually have to make or cook it in our trailers. I was really confused. I walked up to Sadie and asked "why are they serving breakfast? Is it someone's birthday or something?"

She sighed and said "no Y/N it's no ones birthday." I looked at her with a blank mind. Then I asked "them why the heck are we having breakfast?."

Then she put her breakfast down on a table and grabbed my hands and said "Y/N I have no way better to say this but.." she was about to cry? "But what?" I asked.

"Well....since we don't have any more school scenes to shoot and Millie is all better well...the Duffer Brothers said that you can't stay here anymore cause they already have tons of extras and so we are having this breakfast as kind of a goodbye thing." I was shocked. My mouth was wide open.

I looked around the room and I saw Finn looked at me with a very sad expression on his face. I had no choice. I was not going to cry in front of all these people so I ran to Finn and into his warm arms.

He surprisingly hugged me back. Then I heard someone say "ok Finn just take her into the closest ok?" And I could feel he was trying to move. And I let him and he led my into a closet and turned the light on. Then he pulled away and sighed and said

"I'm so sorry Y/N we have no other choice but look at me." And he took his hands and placed them on my cheeks to force me to look at him. Then I said "when do I have to leave?" "This afternoon at 5:00pm."

I hugged him again. But harder and tighter. I didn't want to leave Finn's warm arms. I wanted to be in them forever. I wanted him forever. But I knew that I had to let go at some point.

"Hey ummm Finn why do you always comfort me?" I said in his chest. "Ummmm...." was all he said before Millie opened the door. She said "hey guys sorry for interrupting but Y/N you kinda have to start packing up ok?"

"Ok ummm Millie, Sadie can you guys help?" I asked letting go of Finn's warm and secure body and headed towards Millie. "Let's so girls." Sadie said heading towards the doors of the big building.

Me and Millie and Sadie cleaned up my trailer for about like 2 hours. I got the last box out of my trailer and just looked around at the empty trailer.

I hope the next person that gets this trailer has as much memories as I did in here. I sighed and said my goodbyes to my old trailer and headed to the car.

The security was going to drive me to the airport. Everyone was there to say goodbye. I first said goodbye to Nichole. "Thank you so much Nichole, I had a great time with you in Millie's trailer."

We both laughed and hugged. Next I said goodbye to the Duffer Brothers. "Guys....thank you so much for letting me be a part of this amazing show, I really enjoyed acting in Stranger Things, now I can go home and brag." We all laughed.

I hugged them too. Next was the crew, "thank you Millie, Gaten, Caleb, Noah and Sadie." For being my friends. I really loved meeting you all even if I was really shy."

I hugged them all "I hope we all keep in touch with the group chat." They all nodded. Next.......was......Finn..... when I saw that Finn was the last person I had to say goodbye to I broke down. I ran into him and hugged him like there was no tomorrow...I felt so bad cause I was getting his shirt all soggy from my crying.

"Finn I...." "sh sh sh princess it's gonna be ok we will see each other again." I new that was true but I still didn't want to leave him for such a long time...he was like a drug....I was addicted to him.... then one of the security guard said

"hey Ms. we kind of have to get going." I sighed and said "Finn....there's something I have to tell you..." I was gonna do it. I was gonna Amit my feeling towards him.

"There's something I have to tell you to.." He said while rubbing the back of his neck. "Really Finn?" "Yeah Y/N." I could tell he was nervous. "So what do your have to..."

I was suddenly cut of by I think you know at this point in the story.  Yep.....a......KISS!! I totally fell for it!!! It was one of the best kisses me and Finn have ever shared. Then he started putting away but I just kept kissing him and he didn't seem to mind but after about 5 minuets of making out In front of the whole staff and cast we had to pull about then I said

"I love you Finn." "I love you too Y/N." I will never forget that boy for the rest of my life.

THE END!!!!!

Author note: hey guys, this is the end of the story sadly but I hoped you enjoyed it as much as I did writing it!!! I am writing a sequel so go check that out as well!!

Thank you for getting it to like 2k!!! That's amazing!!! Please if you haven't already go check out my Richie X reader and Jack Dylan Grazer X reader!!

I'm still working on JDG one!! The Richie one is already completed!!! Thank you so much!!

Finn Wolfhard X readerWhere stories live. Discover now