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I was still in shock that Finn was suddenly in my trailer. I mean....I wasn't mad but more surprised. Then I said

"ummmmm ok? Well anyways I'm going to bed so yeah goodnight Finn." "WAIT!!" "What is it Finn?"

"Can I sleep with you?" I was in even more shock now.

"What? No you literally  just came into my trailer and got food and now you want to sleep with me?" "Ummm yeah because ummmm I'm afraid of the dark."

I just looked at him like really dude I know you made that up just now. But I did like him.

So I decided to just go along with it just for the fun of it. "Uuuuuuu Finn sometimes you are to much you know?" "So is that a yes?"

"Whatever I don't care at this point, I'm just really tired." He started jumping up and down looking very excited.

I don't know why he's so excited cause I'm usually a boring person but whatever.

I got into bed and turned off my light and I could feel the bed dip and I new Finn was on it.

I turned to face him and he was doing the same.

We just looked at each other admiring one another. Then he brushed some hair out of my face and tucked it behind my ear.

I shivers down and up my back for gosh knows how long. Then he whispers "how did God create such a beautiful person?"

I was stunned that he called my beautiful but I just shrugged my shoulders and lightly closed my eyes.

I could feel Finn's soft arms going around my waist and pulling me closer to his warm body.

Once my forehead touched his chest I snuggled my head into it and let out a deep breathe. And I could feel him smile.

And he then I guess made a big leap and kissed the top of my head and layed his check on top of it.

I rapped my arms around his back and rubbed it and he smiled a few times and whispered

"please keep doing that, it feels so nice." Then I whispered "if I keep doing it then I wouldn't go to sleep." And I could hear he sighed in frustration.

Then I felt kind of bad so I moved my hands up to his hair and played with it softly until I fell asleep.

Finn Wolfhard X readerWhere stories live. Discover now