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He wants to know me? Wow that's so cool!!! I can't believe FINN WOLFHARD wants to get to know me. While I was thinking I had my head down and trying not to stare at him.

But I just couldn't, he was just so perfect. His long black curls and his freckles and those deep dark brown eyes!! UHHHH!!

I think I I'm in love with HIM!! I slowly look up and he was staring at ME! While biting his lower lip.

Did he like me? Idk!! Through out all this it was just silence. Then he broke it by saying

"so Y/N can I get your number or something?" "Umm yeah sure." I gave him my phone and he put his contact in.

I got HIS phone number!!! "Umm well it's getting late I better go." He said while rubbing his neck. "Yeah of course." "Ok bye Y/N." "Bye Finn."

After he left I started jumping up and down of joy!!" Sadie came in and asked why I was jumping around and I told her it was because I got Finn's phone number!!

Sadie said that for tonight I could stay and sleep in her trailer since The Duffel Brothers have to get mine all set up. I was peaceful sleeping when something dinged on my phone.

I looked at it and there was a unknown number that texted me and I so I opened it and read:

Unknown: hi Y/N I just wanted to tell you goodnight!!

Me: who are you?

Unknown: Finn!

Changed "Unknown" to "Finn❤️."

Me: oh hi Finn and goodnight to you too!!

Finn❤️: ok night!

Finn's POV:

I wanted to change Y/N to something that will make me smile. Because I think I'm starting to like her.

Changed "Y/N" to "Y/N❤️."

I like that the other person can't see what you put as their name cause if Y/N saw that I put a heart next to her name it would be really awkward the next time I see her in person.

Y/N's POV:

I woke up at around 7:00am and I look over and Sadie is still sleeping and so I decide to not wake her up. I get out of bed and go over to where my suitcase is and pull out my outfit and go into the bathroom to change.

Once I got out I saw that Sadie was up and I said "hi Sadie good morning." "Good morning Y/N." I Then walk over to my phone and look at my phone. It's 7:40am.

After Sadie gets dressed we both walk to the dining hall and sit down. Sadie said that we have to wait for all the cast to come in before we start eating.

We waited for like ever as everyone entered at different times. Then after every one was here we could go up to the place where all the food was and start taking.

I saw a waffle maker and I love waffles. So I walked up to it and it looked very complicated. Just as I was about to "turn it on" Finn came up to me and said

"oh hi Y/N do you need help?" "Yeah I do." I said that while my hand was on the handle that you use to turn the waffle. He then said "ok so first you do this."

He put his hand on top of mine and helped me through it. I felt a slight spark when our hands touched at the waffle maker. I went and sat down with Sadie and started eating my food.

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