"You know , I just realized that over the months we've become closer . I hated you and dad last year ." I chuckle .

"You thought that I had an affair with Doctor May for crying out loud ." She laughs taking a seat on the bed .

"I still think you do at times ." I tell her sarcastically .

"Amelia !" She scolds making me laugh .

"I'm joking ." I laugh clutching my tummy .

"Take it easy there Tiger ." She laughs checking my blood pressure .

"Am I fine mom ?" I ask her sadly .

"You're alright sweety . Your heart felt a bit of pressure but you're alright ." She smiles .

"When will I be discharged ?" I sigh .

"Tomorrow . Look Sweety , Tyler isn't allowed to leave his bed okay ? If you want to visit him call a nurse to take you ." She holds my hand .

"I'll remember that mom ." I smile at her .

"Okay , you will carry on with your heart pills , you have two weeks left to finish them ." She puts them on my table .

"Okay thank you , may I please get some food . I'm quite hungry ." I yawn covering my mouth .

"Coco pops ?" She chuckles .

"You know me so well ." I laugh .

I look to the side to see my phone already there so I take it to see I've got a few messages and one of them is Micheal .

Me @10:05
Hey , sorry I'm in hospital *laughing faces*

Micheal @10:07
Hey , are you alright ? *sad face*

Me @10:09
Don't cry for me Argentina !

Michael @10:11
You are so weird *laughing faces* , I'll visit you after my class .

Me @10:12
Oh my goodness ! He's a rebel ! I cannot associate myself with rebels *laughing faces*

Micheal @10:14
It is quite a boring class , I could actually leave anytime I wanted to but I'm not THAT much of a rebel .

Me @10:15
Just so you know , I'm not the distraction here *winking face* .

Micheal @10:18
Are you trying to say I'm easily distracted Amelia ?

Me @10:19
Well if you want to take it that way then so be it *smirking face*

Micheal @10:22
You're a sly one . I gotta go , I'll see you later on .

Me @10:23
Room 32B

"Okay , Coco pops ." My mom hands me the bowl .

"Where do you even get these coco pops ?" I raise my eyebrows at her .

"Uhm the children's side of the hospital ." She laughs walking out .

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