You want ethans attention , but hes playing fortnite

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Ethan's been playing fortnite for the past couple hours and you know he's really good at it , but you just want his attention and he won't give it to you , so you plan is to get him to pay attention to you

Yn: "babe?" -moves near the computer screen-
Ethan: "babe , Yn move please."
Yn: "fine." -scoffs and goes to the kitchen-
Grayson: "you okay Yn?"
Yn: "no."
Grayson: "what's wrong?"
Yn: "Ethan's playing fortnite....again."
Grayson: "I told him he has a problem." -chuckles-
Yn: "no duh."
Grayson: "well do you wanna go to the grove with me? I need some new shoes."
Yn: "hmm okay." -shrugs-
Grayson: "alright let's go." -grabs keys and we go the grove-

-The Grove-

Yn: "so hows your relationship going?" -sips on smoothie-
Grayson: "eh..alright I guess it depends how you look at it. We seem happy or at least she does."
Yn: "what's wrong with her?"
Grayson: "she's so needy."
Yn: -chuckles- "awe does Grayson not like the needy girls?"
Grayson: "Hell no." -chuckles-
-gets a call-
Grayson: "it's Ethan."
Yn: "did he finally die in the game?"
Grayson: "hmm let's see." -picks up- "hello?"..."the grove.....with your girlfriend because you wouldn't pay attention to her....I'm being a good brother for you e. Yn loves you and you wouldn't pay attention to your girl you would rather play fortnite than spend time with her.....yeah tell her that not me my dude.....fine will be there in 15." -Hangs up-
Yn: "wow Grayson."
Grayson: "what? I told him he has a problem and he wouldn't listen."
Yn: "oh."
Grayson: "plus your like a sister in law to me and I'm not dealing with another girl dating my brother....I actually like your as a sister."
Yn: "awe thanks Grayson." -hugs him and smiles-
Grayson: -smiles and hugs back- "it's no problem Yn."

-At the house-

Ethan: -runs outside and hugs you- "baby Yn I'm so sorry I was ignoring you."
Yn: "Ethan it's fine." -hugs back-
Ethan: "no it's not I'm making it up to you...let's go see (y/f/m) I'll rent out the whole theater."
Yn: -smiles- "alright."

-the rest of the day we went to the movie theater and saw my favorite movie , and got dinner and dessert afterwards and Ethan took me home , I honestly still love him even though he ignored me for half of the day. 🌹

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