Almost Got Caught Ft Ethan

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It was a beach night for you and the twins

Ethan was dared by his twin Grayson to go swimming in the ocean naked

And since nobody was around and it was dark outside he went for it

Grayson: -records it- "I can't believe he actually did it." -laughs-
Ethan: -runs back to us- "told ya I could do it."
Yn: "uh guys?"

-we hear police sirens going off-

-we all run back towards the house-

Grayson:-runs and records- "hey guys thanks for watching."
Ethan: -runs beside him- "peace."
Yn: "oh god I'm not getting fined because of y'all."
Ethan: "nah we're not getting fined relax Yn." -chuckles-

-We all make it back to house-

Grayson: "so tomorrow's dare....Yn you wanna jump off a cliff?"
Yn: "oh god..." -face palms-

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