Graduation Surprise!!! // Both

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You have a Cousin by the name of Aaron Carpenter , he lives out in LA with his best friends, Grayson and Ethan Dolan. You always liked them , well all 3 of them. You and Arron were the closest out of all of your cousins , only because they were either babies , or in their late 20s or early 30s.

Today's a special day!

Today was your graduation!! (Insert Date that you graduate)

-talks to your best friend-

Yn: "wanna go eat something before we have to go?"
Y/f/n: "yeah sure." -We head to (y/f/p)-
Yn: "can't believe we're graduating today."
Y/f/n: "right...I'm already ready for college."
Yn: "SAME!!" -smiles-

-Skips to them calling your name & Friends Name-

Announcer: "Yn Mn LN."
Yn: -smiles and walks on stage-
Announcer: "Y/f/n Y/f/Mn Y/f/Ln."

-Skips to next day , your graduation party-

Moms Friend: "hey Yn congrats on graduating!"
Yn: "thanks." -smiles-
Grandma: "how does it feel to graduate high school?"
Yn: "good but , I'll finally celebrate when I graduate college." -chuckles-
Grandma: "right."
You just continued to talk with your friends and your family

-Arron's P.o.v-
So Grayson , Ethan and I are going to my cousins house , who's Yn Ln. we're really close and I haven't seen here in a good couple months because we're both busy with things. So we flew to (your hometown) and pulled up to Yn's house. Hopefully she's going to be happy with her graduation gift. (Her parents said it was okay.) plus this was weeks in advanced.

Grayson: "so she single?"
Arron: -.-
Grayson: "what?"
Arron: "yes she's single , no you can't date her!"
Grayson: "why not?"
Arron: "that's weird."
Grayson: "okay..then."
Arron: "get out." -.-
Grayson: "damn okay bro." -chuckles and we walk inside-
Your mom: "omg Arron. hey." -hugs him-
Arron: -hugs back- "hey Aunt Y/M/N. Where's Yn?"
Your mom: "in the backyard talking to your mom ...your Grayson and Ethan right?"
Grayson: "yes we are." -smiles-
Your Mom: "awe y'all cute, well go outside...have fun." -smiles and we walk outside and see my mom and dad chilling by the pool and Yn's back facing us.-
Ethan: "is that Yn?"
Arron: "yep." -silently walks up behind her when she's talking to his mom- "shh." -hugs her-
Yn: "what the hell?" -turns around- "AARON????" -hugs back- "omg hey! Wait Grayson and Ethan?"
Ethan: "yep! Congrats Yn."
Yn: "thanks Ethan." -smiles-
Grayson: "how does it feel?"
Yn: "pretty good." -smiles-
Arron: "well I have a surprise for you."
Yn: "really?"
Arron: "yeah come on!" -holds her hand and me Grayson , Ethan and Yn go out to the front.-
Yn: "omg Arron , what the hell!" -smiles wide-

-Yn: "omg Arron , what the hell!" -smiles wide-

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Arron: "now we can be matching."
Yn: -hugs him- "I'm so happy. I could cry."
Arron: -hugs back- "don't cry cuz." -chuckles- "you wanna take it for a spin?" -holds out keys-
Yn: "omg yes!" -takes keys from him-
Grayson: "we'll get in the back!"
Yn: "okay okay!" -We drive around for a couple mins then go back house-


Yn P.o.v

I seriously can't believe Arron , I'm shocked that he actually showed up for my graduation , plus he got me a Range Rover? I always wanted it... the craziest part was that Grayson and Ethan Dolan were both here like wow, I'm lucky as hell to have a cousin like Arron , now I have to figure out what to get for him for his birthday! He's going to be surprised , I'm sure of it.

The rest of my day was spent with my friends and family and Grayson and Ethan kinda broke the pool floats trying to get on them....oh well 😂 good day

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