How you react when you see them in person

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So you've been talking about Grayson and Ethan since they've been on YouTube and vine , so your family , friends and everybody else knew that you liked these two boys , so for your special day your parents got them to come out to your hometown and spend your birthday with you.

Yn P.o.v

I'm so happy!!!! Today's my 18th birthday and I get to hangout at the house and just relax , because I seriously don't want to go to school on my birthday , that literally sucks 😩 -I walk to my room after I grab some snacks for my day in bed watching the Dolan twins -

Grayson's P.o.v
-talks to the camera-
Grayson: "hey guys what's up we're back...and today we're going to be doing something special."
Ethan: "as the title of the video says , yeah we're surprising a fan on her birthday and she's turning 18 , which is pretty cool , wish I was 18." -fake cries-
Grayson: "Ethan , two months." -chuckles- "but anyways we're headed too (y/h/n) to meet a girl named Yn Ln , will see y'all later." -video ends for
Skips to Your Hometown
Grayson: "wow , (y/h/n) is beautiful."
Yn's Mom: "well we are kinda special in our own way."
Ethan: "I bet , so you mind if we film in your car?"
Yn's Mom: "sure go ahead."
Ethan: "thanks." -starts filming- hey y'all we made it too (y/h/n) and we got Yn's mother here say hey Mrs.Ln."
Mrs. Ln: "hey." -smiles-
Grayson: "we're like halfway there right Mrs.Ln?"
Yn's Mom: "yeah , she must be watching your videos
right about now. I'm telling you she absolutely loves y'all. You probably make her smile when nobody else would 24/7."
Ethan: "awe that's so cute."
Yn's Mom: "yep. We're here."
-Pulls up To Huge house-
-Grayson and Ethan get out-
Ethan: "wow your house is huge."
Yn's Mom: "thanks. Come inside." -We all walk inside- "how y'all want to surprise her?"
Grayson: "wanna go knock on her door?"
Yn's Mom: "sure why not." -smiles and walks to Yn's door- "Yn?"
Yn: "yeah?"
Yn's Mom: "I gotta show you something , come here please." -Ethan Films-
Yn: "fine." -she walks out and sees us- "OMG."
Grayson: "hey." -chuckles and hugs her.- "how's it going Yn happy birthday , we got you some stuff if you didn't like your presents."
Yn: -hugs back- I'm seriously about to cry right now , I was just watching y'all latest video."
Grayson: "oh don't cry and the one with us opening like 4,000 packages?" -chuckles-
Yn: "YES."
Ethan: "In my defense I didn't know the slim would do that."
Ethan: "I cleaned it up. Oh and happy birthday Yn." -hugs her-
Yn: -hugs back- "thanks so much, y'all made my birthday like 100 times better , I can't believe your like right in front of me."
Grayson: "well we're here. You wanna go grab some ice cream? My treat."
Yn: "sure." -smiles- "we can take my car."
Ethan: "let's go."
Yn's Mom: "have fun guys."

Skips to Ice Cream Parlor

Yn: "wow this is yummy."
Grayson: "I haven't had this much ice cream since forever ago."
Ethan: "same."
Yn: "Really aren't there ice cream places out in California?"
Ethan: "yes but we never get to go , because of fans."
Yn: "awe."
Grayson: "oh yeah your going to be on next tuesdays video , if that's cool with you."
Yn: "that's fine by me."
-they continue eating their ice cream and talking about their dreams for the future. Also next Tuesday's video turned out great, her friends were really surprised by it and Grayson and Ethan got Yn's number and since that meet up , they all began talking and wanting to hangout in the future.-

Everything DolanOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora