Love Comes Back ft Grayson

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Song Inspired by Camila Cabello

Grayson your one true love , you thought he was everything you could ask for , but it turned ugly once he became older and you caught him cheating on you, he was acting completely different for the last couple months and you knew he was cheating. You told him if he didn't change , you would go , but you knew he wouldn't change , so you went.

Months pass on leaving him in the distance , he was getting worse and worse. You would see him on YouTube putting on a fake smile for the camera , you knew deep down it killed you to see him like that. His brother didn't know what to do , so he called you.

Ethan: " me out."
Yn: "It hurts."
Ethan: "I know , it does for me too please come over and talk to him. He needs somebody different too talk too besides me."
Yn: "I don't know if I can go back E."
Ethan: -sighs- "Yn , he hasn't been moving lately , he's been in his room locking the door , you need to talk to him please? For me?"
Yn: "Ethan I told him too change , he didn't I can't save him."
Ethan: "yes you still can , if He can promise to change for you will you come over and try getting his fat ass out of his bed?"
Yn: "I'll try."
Ethan: "alright...see you in 10." -Hangs up-

Yn: -gets dressed redos makeup and heads out-

-Grayson and Ethan's House-

Ethan: -smiles- "hey Yn." -hugs her- "he's in his room crying under the covers."
Yn: "really?"
Ethan: "pretty much, I called my mom she couldn't make it down here, she has work. You don't realize how much of an effect you have on him."
Yn: "how much?"
Ethan: -whispers- "ya got the dude crying for you, he punched a wall and his hand was bleeding, we had to go to the hospital yesterday."
Yn: "is that why?"
Ethan: "yep. Fans were commenting saying what happened to your hand Grayson? And I don't wanna tell them or else they would probably come after you."
Yn: "fans are crazy."
Ethan: "especially ours."
Yn: "let me see if I can get myself in here." -knocks on door-
Grayson: "GO AWAY ETHAN."
Ethan: "dude somebody wants to see you , she made it all the way From Calabasas."
Yn: "Gray can I come in?"
-hears footsteps and door unlocks and Grayson pulls Yn inside and shuts door-
Ethan: "I'll leave y'all be." -walks away-
Grayson: -Pulls Yn into a hug and doesn't let her go- "I honestly didn't think you were ever going to talk to me again."
Yn: -hugs back- Gray I would never stop talking to you, I still watch the videos of y'all every Tuesday , so I'm still somewhat involved in your life even if I'm not talking I'm still seeing you."
Grayson: "mhm. I guess."
Yn: "yeah. Heard you hurt your hand?"
Grayson: "um...punched a wall."
Yn: "Gray? Why?"
Grayson: "because I kept thinking you would find somebody else in months it's been a rough couple months without seeing you. People ask about you all the time."
Yn: "they do?"
Grayson: " did you find somebody?"
Yn: "No. because you are my one true love. I couldn't let somebody else take my love. me and you have been through hell and back."
Grayson: "you right. Can I change to show you that I'm different , I've been thinking about you a lot and I want to change , no secrets no nothing."
Yn: "will give it a shot. But if u mess up , I'm leaving for good."
Grayson: "understandable babe." -smiles-

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