He texts you song lyrics :

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He's your ex
Notification from Grayson Dolan :

Yn: I'm not your baby 🙄
Grayson😒:heard you been talking about me lately
Yn:From who? Ethan?
Grayson😒:telling your friends how much you hate me
Yn:you didn't even like my friends . Wth are you talking about 🤨
Grayson😒:but who you call up when you get lonely?
Yn:uh my friends...Tf
Grayson😒:you've been saying real , real nice things , when I'm touching you . You been getting real jealous when it wasn't you.
Yn: I admit yeah it hurt but I dealt with it. 🤨
Grayson:even when my phone rings , I be telling you it's over
Yn: Wait....did you cheat?
Yn:Wait hold up....your texting me song lyrics.
Yn: bye gray Hmu when you mature and have a real convo tired of you playing games 😪👋🏻
Grayson:YNNNN ... lol okay I got you next week love ya 💖
Yn: everybody does 😝

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