Grayson Tells Tmz

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Reporter: Hey , we have Grayson Dolan walking out with a mystery girl , she looks really shy

-Video goes to Grayson-
Camera crew goes to Grayson and takes pictures
Grayson: "hey guys what's up?"
Reporter: "Grayson who's this?" -smiles-
Grayson: "um my girlfriend."
Yn: "uh hey?"
Reporter: "what's her name Grayson?"
Grayson: "it's Yn.... Yn Ln and she's the love of my life." -kisses her cheek-
Yn: "smiles."
Reporter: "awe that's cute are y'all going to get married sometime?"
Grayson: "yes probably in 4 summers from now , we're still young , dumb and we just wanna live in the moment."
Reporter: "that's fantastic. Thanks for your time Grayson and Yn."
Grayson: "your welcome man."

-Camera Cuts off-

Reporter: "young dumb and living in the moment. Those are some real high school kids."

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