Figuring Out Secret Number One

Start from the beginning

“Why are you so obsessed with me.” I said flatly, there was no other way I could put it.

His jaw clenched and he licked his lips, a move that looked extremely seductive on him. “It’s hard to explain babe.” He said softly.

“How? I mean come on do you have a crush on me or something?” I felt my own eyes widen as I said this. The last part wasn’t mean to come out it was supposed to stay safely tucked in my head only available for me.

A smile formed on his lips making my stomach turn a little bit, he looked cuter when he smiled instead of smirking, although smirking made him look hot and seductive. What am I saying! I can’t be thinking about stuff like this, I promised. “It’s more than a crush babe.” My eyes meet his and I could see the sincerity in them. What is he hiding? More importantly why can’t I stay away from him, I’m supposed to hate him.

Austins Pov.

When I confessed to her that what I felt for her was more than just a crush I knew it was a mistake. I had just met her yesterday but I knew she was curious and full of questions; she wasn’t going to just drop this. Maybe I should tell her everything but how? She was so innocent and I didn’t want to involve her in this crazy life of mine. Most importantly she looked hurt, I could feel it. When she would do her work or listen to the lesson she didn’t look right.

I knew this wasn’t the real her, I’ve only gotten small glimpse of the real her, the bright, full of life one. I first noticed it yesterday at lunch when her and Mia where laughing together about something and earlier today in second hour when she was laughing yet again with her. As soon as we walked in the class she went with Mia, I was hurt that she much rather be with Mia than me but it was what made the real her that she hiding come out and I had to accept that. The fact that she has never been like that in front of me killed me, what was wrong with me? Did she not feel the connection with me? Werewolf or not your mate still feels that connection with you. Could it be that she did feel it and was just simply trying to stay away from me? I was going crazy over this I needed her; I needed her to be mine.

“Hey dude.” I heard someone say bringing me out of my thoughts. I looked to see who it was and it was Liam. We were in sixth hour which was sadly one of the classes I didn’t have with her.

“Hey man, what’s up?” I asked him.

“I told her.” He said looking down at the floor.

My eyes widened, what was he thinking he just meet her and he already told her! What if she freaked! I mean if she were to tell anybody I doubt anyone would believe her except for a few people that were ones to believe in suppose conspiracies. “And!” I said wanting to know what happened, as future alpha I have to be concerned with something like this.

“She’s fine with it. I mean she was shocked when I shifted real quick but she’s fine now.” He smiled.

“We’ll that’s good, you claim her?” I asked even though I knew he didn’t you could tell when a werewolf claimed someone.

“No, were taking things slow as in we haven’t even kissed yet she invited me to her family party so I’m pretty nervous.” He said with a nervous look on his face. I chuckled at this and just shook my head. Liam has always been the worried one of the pack, he took caution in everything he did he cared how people felt and he was a good guy and I knew he would make a perfect beta.

The rest of the class he wouldn’t shut up about Mia and how perfect she was which only made me think about Payton even more if that was possible. I thought about how close we came to kissing even though she did it to tease me, I thought about how smooth and soft her lips looked, I thought about the way she ran her fingers through her hair with her not even knowing she did it. I just thought about how perfect she was.

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