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She: "Hi, how are you?."
He: "I'm superb. You?"
She: "Umm, I'm fine."
He: "So, how were these days?"
She: "Days? Those were two weeks."
He: "Oh, two weeks? I didn't realize that."
She: "Hmm, I knew that. So, two weeks of no talks, no meetings. What did you do?"
She lowers down her voice and added to it, "How were these days without me?"
He: "Know? I was too busy. I played football. Got new friends. Had a small trip. Enjoyed travelling with friends. Overall, these were just awesome days. And for you, how were they?"

She: "Oh, awesome days? Good. Umm.. Me.. umm, oh by the way, have you completed the file which you were talking about, before these two weeks?"
He: "Ya, I've completed that too."

~And the conversation continues.~

Today, her diary had lines, "Dear diary, I'm sorry for not fulfilling my promise according to which I'm supposed to tell him everything I go through; every single feeling I get. I broke this promise today, by not telling him how hard these two weeks were, without him.
I wanted to tell him that when he played football, I was going through his pictures saved in my secret folder; that when he got new friends, I was thinking for how would I welcome him after these long year-like-days; that when he had a small trip, I was looking for the next favorite song I'd sing for him; that when he was travelling with his friends, I was making a collage out of the pics he uploaded. I wanted to tell him that there was not even a single second I didn't miss him. Every single thing reminded me of him. Be it my phone's ringtone or his suggested songs. Be it his favorite stickers on my notebook or the funny drawing he had asked me to draw. I didn't want to break this delicate promise. I wanted to tell him everything. But. I don't know what stopped me. Sorry. Gunnite."

~Miss V

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